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Well, much to Dawn's dismay, Cher hires a lactation consultant; Marcia puts Alena in the driver's seat; Angelica and Jason's double date with Sunhe and Brett takes an ugly turn; Mary and Frank's marriage continues to unravel.

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Elizabeth O’Connor

Thanks for dropping another pod... keep going queens!!

Danielle Kugler

I think Dick Dreams is a new podcast where you guys tell us what celebrities have BDF

Danielle Kugler

' Devuh-STAYted me' is the new 'can-SELLED my affidavit'

Jackie Meyers

Every single one of these ppl are infuriating! I had a whole thing typed out that I had to delete hahaha. I have just too much to say!! I’m not a Dr. ... or have any type of training in psychology but even I can see how wrong all of this is. Also.. Brit- tawni... is a serial killer !! Just saying

Jackie Meyers

“Someone can give you some Fucken Gatorade!” This line made me laugh so fucking hard!! 🤣🤣🤣


I hate that you two have me watching this dumpster fire. But also, I love you for it 😂

Mary M Conrad

Can’t wait to listen on my commute to work. I love when I have the same reaction as you.

Katie Simon Kurumada

All the yes to what was said about breastfeeding. I watched every single episode of Scandal in the first few weeks my second kid was born. Yes to the annoying input from people. I had a hard time nursing with my first, but my mom was very chill and not annoying. I really wanted to keep bf, but was getting a lot of pressure to supplement with formula and had all these messed up feelings of failure- plus postpartum anxiety which went undiagnosed for awhile. The hardest were my in laws who were insinuating that I should not bf and just to go formula, when my docs supported my choice. That was the judgment that was hard. It’s all so messed up.

Katie Simon Kurumada

Sorry that comment about Scandal was to Poodle saying that breastfeeding was boring. 💯 true.

Jenn O'Kane

Brittani could be pregnant.... just sayin’

KM Brown

Omg Season 1! Poodle, we love you for taking one for the team! And thank you for calling out Dawn. I’ve had a bad feeling about her from the first season. Such narcissism!

Kerry Henriksen

Poodle’s comment about sectionals with recliners is 100% correct.

Trinity White

I totally remember Anthony’s! There was one in Bryant Square in Edmond 😂

Brooke Neufer

If you like reclining sectional sofas, you’re going to LOVE the tour of Cher and Dawn’s castle from MTVs Sweet 16 home tours! It’s complete with “armor men”!! http://www.mtv.com/video-clips/wsq0i7/my-super-sweet-sixteen-home-tour-cher-s-super-sweet-castle


Reclining sectionals 🤢

Maureen Cloonan

My couch and my love seat both have built-in recliners. I don't care if Jake hates them, I love them and they were a GODSEND when I was nursing, so don't @ me!

Reality Gays

YAS! I love a clap back! I can see how they would be great for breastfeeding. But the first fucking time I trip over the foldout foot panel, there'll be HELL to pay!

Maureen Cloonan

You yell at a sleep-deprived, nursing mother and let me how that works out ;-) Honestly, we don't recline when there is company, that's where it becomes uncouth. But when it's just us at home, it's foot panels up all around. :-)

Kelly Snyder

You guys always brighten my day...this one was especially hilarious. All the Frank stuff was priceless. ❤️ u

Priscilla Devereaux

The convo between Brittany and Frank is so cringeworthy. She didnt need to know the details between him and Mary. I also like how she thinks she can kick someone out but doesnt pay rent smh girl bye!

Cara Gaspar

Even in Brittani's voice poodle says "ALTSO" 😂🤣🤣

Michelle Pritchard

Don’t watch the show, but am LIVING for your recaps 💕

Mary Scheske

I would have preferred Cher's experience; I had one mother who caught my very busy lactation consultant to cry about how she could never nurse, and a mil who took it upon herself to referee modesty, make a huge deal after barging into my hospital room while I was feeding my newborn 🙄 because God forbid her husband see any of me recovering. We refused all guests when the second was born.

Sarah Daunis

“A good gavel really makes you feel like you have some say in the world.” - Jake 😂

Jessica Kenney

Elk City had an Anthony’s..... and in a weird twist of fate, I learned to drive in their parking lot 😂

sara castro

Sonic yellow cake shake is it real ... I looked it up lol


Y’all En Vogue - Don’t Let Go is my SHIT! Had to switch over to Spotify for a quick En Vogue (and then Wilson Phillips 😂) intermission, Also, Dawn is a fucking psycho.


Didn't grow up with Anthony's, but my grandma lives in the TX panhandle and we've been over to the Elk City Pizza Hut (or ECPH, as we refer to it) multiple times.

Phoebe Calef

I love how much Jake hates this show 😂😂 and I swear Brittani deep down wants to come out as a lesbian but can’t yet bc they’re so religious, so I have a feeling this is going to be something not that big of a deal. She’ll definitely come out a little later in life after a few years working shower duty at the corrections facility.

Jennifer Neiffer

Yay for season 1 of Smothered!!! ❤️❤️❤️ can’t wait

Ann Druseikis

DYING at you guys talking about driving with your parents!🤣😂🤣😂 #imaginarybrake


Angelica limits her comments on IG Hmmmm I wonder if it’s because mothers and children of divorce everywhere now know she is just as disgusting and as insensitive as her mother. I used to root for her but now I hope they both end up alone. Her mom might actually like that. They can marry each other.

Jennifer Bryant

100% agree with Jake, I have an intense repugnance for recliners of any type attached to a sofa or freestanding!! ! Haha


I have a real problem with Cher’s mother. Love everything you said about breastfeeding. On the mind over matter thing, I had a nurse when I had my little boy, tell me ‘oh he just needs to learn’ and not help me at all. Never mind my 1 day old baby is red and screaming and a crying and I’m trembling and in tears. Fuck! Ok, vent over. I had a tough time and then had to go on medication which meant I could not breast feed. Cher’s mom needs to get off her back.

Courtney Gordon

I’ve been annoying my husband with “driving down the highway” Background: My husband hates this show so he’s usually on his laptop while I watch. He did however notice Alena was learning how to drive while her song was playing. I now randomly scream-sing to him “cause I was driving down the higggggghway”


I cannot get this damn theme song out of my head! LOL. Ty so much for watching this cringy garbage. I cant watch this show but i cannot live without the recap! #Crabcake. ❤️


Crab cake for life!! Love you two! Also I kinda feel bad for Cher! How exhausting to have Dawn for a mom. Cher constantly has to coddle and pacify her even with a newborn. Ugh. Also idk why but it reminds me of sex and the city where Charlotte yells at Trey about his penis. “Ooooooo, don't talk about moving in, in front of the penis cause it might go soft” It’s like they have to walk on eggshells in front of Dawn which is pure garbage.

Samantha Guzman

I watched this back when it aired and have been dying to hear what the gays have to say about it. I truly believe Sunhe loves to do small things that degrade Angelica. The whole bath thing, I guarantee it’d never be the other way around. The control is a sick game to her, to see what she can manipulate Angelica to do/not do. Also, En Vogue, yesssss!!!

Cassie Hulse

Mattie I'm from Pryor, OK and we had an Anthony's. It's where you got your fancy Levi's for the spring band concert.