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Dawn and Cher hatch a plan to convince Jared to stay in Florida; new mother-daughter duo Amy and Carina share everything from a bed to underwear; Angelica faces an unexpected health risk at 34 weeks pregnant.



Amy Diehl

"Carlo just cawl your guy and tell him my mother in law isn't an idiot- she knows her sassage!" 🤣🤣


Horse owner here - usually you put blinders on a horse because it calms them down. They feel safer if they can’t see random stuff in their periphery 😊

Jennifer Riester

During Covid at our hospital whoever brought the person in was the only person allowed so I'm not sure it would've been an option for Jason to take over. Also - business opportunity - start a line of male lingerie!!!!

Enn Sea

On the topic of lingerie…my (now ex) mother-in-law bought me lingerie from a garage sale to wear on the honeymoon 🤢🤢


When Poodle said of Angelica and Sunhe, that a droid didn't pay for the drink, all that came to mind was droids not even being allowed in bars/cantinas (unless they work there) and they don't eat or drink😂