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Karla worries that she and Rykia are drifting apart; Lauren comes clean to Laura Leigh about the secret she's been keeping; Amy gets emotional when she realizes she needs space from Carina; Angelica's condition worsens.



Danielle Kugler

What Ever Happened to Baby Jake? I'd buy a ticket

Erica Garcia

Come on y’all when you’re having some “alone” time hit the DND on your phone.

Mary Scheske

The keyboard made me so mad, and I couldn't figure out why - even though a similar keyboard exists in my house 🤣 feeling validated

Carrie Allard

Because he was clearly wanting to show off his gaming setup he had going on. He cropped half his own face out of the shot so the world could see his desktop icons. He is so ready to have a child…


How do you think I got my husband, who doesn't like dogs, to let me adopt dogs #2&3? Hmmm??? Lol it works y'all!


You guys!!!! I’m going back to Chicago this week and I’m headed to Pizza Boy!! if I see Kathy I will just die!!!

Carrie Worthen

I totally agree about Moms being the best people to stay with you in the hospital! When I was in intensive care 2 years ago, my husband was awesome but the best thing he did was call my mom. Yall she drove 5 hours and when I woke up, my mom was sitting by the bed.