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April surprises her husband by getting a matching tattoo with her ex. Kayee's lack of contributions around the house frustrates Jerry's ex. Caroline is fed up when Alex's ex crashes Friendsgiving. Lisa, Jimmy and their spouses prepare for their RV trip.




I need a flow chart to keep track of these relationships 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


When Jessica made the comment “I always sit on his lap when we eat breakfast” and then was like “jk! I just need help in the kitchen!” that was sooo uncomfortable 🥴

Annie Page

The only thing I hear in my head rn is “haaaayyy I’m kaaaayyyy, levée” to mawmaws Tewn all day and y’all, I don’t hate it! ✨🌈

Rachel Martin

The Gaines’ also donated money to a politician who is against teaching Critical Race Theory....👀

Lucy Robinson

My sister’s boyfriend is named Jet Swayze (short for Jetson) and he used to be a pro bull rider

Beth Williams

Omg I've said "Is that Mama's tune"? to my daughter 7x today and she hates me for it!! Thanks for bringing it all home tonight!!


I’m in team Mattie. Jessica is in love with her ex and when she sat in Jerry’s lap it was NOT a joke.

Kimberly Saginario

I love torturing my family with Reality Gays inside jokes. Not a car ride goes by when we aren’t “driving down the 🛣 “


I have to agree with Matt. Kayee has her issues, but there isn't that malice in her that I sense in Jessica. I think Jessica is still in love with her ex. Why else would you willingly want to screw with someone who is with her ex right now, especially when living under the same roof?

Channel Wilson

I mean Jessica can moveee… can she not?

Latisha Seabrook

Team Mattie here too! Jessica’s terrible and why wouldn’t she move into the daughter’s room so Kayee could have her room? Overall though this is all Jerry’s fault.

Sonia Allen

I married my neighbor. He moved when he separated and I moved when I separated. Our youngest daughters were good friends and he asked me out without the kids after we were separated. NC makes you wait a year to divorce so as soon I was separated I considered myself single. There is no way I could be friends with my ex like these couples.

Evelyn Torres

I didn’t bang my neighbor but I did meet my husband by setting my tinder radius to <1 mile. He ended up living 3 blocks away (suburban SoCal)