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The singles struggle with the suspense as the clock winds all the way down, then Lana drops a few more twists.



Beth Williams

Marvin turned out to be just what you predicted & worse! What a joke him winning was. At least Melinda &Peter seem happy and cute together. Cam & Em are killing it all over the place& live together. Love those two

Mary Scheske

You shouldn't be eligible to win all the cash if you actually have sex at Too Hot to Handle, right?

Angela Stephens

I don’t know if anyone mentioned this but there are a few short “after-shows” on the Netflix UK and Ireland YouTube channel hosted by Chloe from Season 1. There’s like a 25 min reunion and it’s worth watching.


Who do you guys think should of won? I’m assuming Cam?

Caitlin Scagnelli

Wow. I watched the show and my brain must have totally rejected Marvin winning. When you said it I was like "What??" I would've have bet money that Cam won. I literally watched it today. 🤯. So, yes, I agree, terrible win.

Caitlin Scagnelli

Also - I was surgery on the 1st and binged all of Bling Empire AND Too Hot Too Handle ONLY so I could then binge y'all's recaps. Thanks for getting me through this 😘

Jess Schuster

Thanks for making me binge this. Cam was ROBBED