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Michael reaches out to Angela after the breakup. Tensions run high for Natalie's surgery. Andrei's introduction to Elizabeth's family goes awry. Ronald tries to prove that he's a good father. Brandon and Julia have a surprise. Jovi finally comes home.



ahem, i'm 60 and i know what's app. ok🌈?

Zoe Loft


Zoe Loft

Sea-kwim ☠️

Celeste Sekigahama

The Perfect Strangers reference.... I'm dying

Jennifer Riester

I love knitting and I loved the BBQ I had at your brother's restaurant - wish I could've been there!!!! (Poodle is correct, I would be concerned about BBQ sauce and my knitting)

Victoria James

I think Drake is in State Farm commercials with the new Jake...


It’s okay Matty…I’m not familiar with that Drake song either. I blame it on Idaho

Mary Scheske

*American condescension and pretentiousness


I like to think that Betty and Ron actually have a secret swinger apartment in that same building and didn't want to have to get rid of it. 😂

Ebony Jones

Ok wait Family Libby stayed in Waldorf Maryland not at the Waldorf Astoria hotel and trust me Waldorf MD could never have a hotel that nice it’s very podunk down there 🤣🤣🤣

Enjoli Pickett

Me yelling at Matt: It’s State Farm like Jake from State Farm but Drake is his body double. Ugh!!! My daughter in the car next to me: mom he legit cannot hear you screaming. He will never correct it 🤣

AnitaBonghit 69

From my mixed race perspective, I feel like what Angela was also saying by default when going on the whole 'because I'm American' rant was, 'because you're African'. That's when she stopped being entertaining for me, especially after dealing with subtle backhanded racism (at best) my whole life.

Starr D

Same. I fear for that poor man if he gets to come to America. He will not be safe here, and has no one to help him if Angela throws him out or if he should go to jail. This is triggering to me, not a bit entertaining.