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Nicolle keeps a scandalous secret; Stan loses it on Lisa and makes a shocking accusation; after 11 years waiting for Jeff, Anissa fears he may be a no-show for the third time; Doug reunites with his son, but gets grilled by his mother-in-law.


Patrick W Bears

The Lucy Mame is bonkers and I love it. The scene where Lucy puts on a Santa mask and looks like a serial killer.

DJ Nightshade

Idgaf, he deserves night terrors, at minimum.

Suzanne S

Poodle, I’m originally from KY and I have lived in GA for last 20 years and we say “trailer”.. I’ve never heard “trailer house” before. Mattie, do you say “doublewide trailer house” or just “doublewide”.. ?? I’m with you on this Poodle.. I’m also into dissecting obscure shit that no one else cares about.. I wanna know if this is regional.. I grew up with my mom making chili with pasta in it. Usually it was elbow macaroni but if we were out, she used spaghetti. I did not know that was weird until I was in my mid 20’s. I’ve met a handful of people over the years that think this is normal and none were from KY.. Please let me know if ya’ll are not familiar or if you are in fact familiar. Btw my mom also made goulash with Worcestershire sauce and garlic powder too Mattie 😂


I’m with Mattie. Lol. A lot of dogs are like that. If I was on a show, my dog would be in every single shot 😂 He follows me everywhere.

Stephanie Walkup

I live in SE Oklahoma and it was a big deal when Buckee’s was built in Denton TX and we call them trailer houses down here


I’m from Georgia, and we definitely just say trailer. We do refer to them as double wides as well, when it fits.

Lori McElroy

In NE Texas where I am from we say trailor home, not trailer house

Mary Scheske

Stuckeys is NOT buc-ees 🤠 but WOW my older relatives LOVED to talk about stuckeys pecan logs! the biggest buc-ees in the country is coming to North Carolina, so I hope Mother Poodle gives Jake a good report 🤣


Midwesterner here; I’ve only heard people say trailer or mobile home.


I’m sad to report that my dog is ALWAYS on the bed when we have sex. We have a king size, and he stays on the far corner and is the quietest that he is ever in his life…but if I ever make the mistake of looking down there, he has nothing but judgment in his eyes.

Emily A Forden

The one time I made a sex tape with my (then) bf, my cat came up and booped his butt as he was pounding me from behind. On the video, you can see the cat’s distain, the guy’a surprise, and my anger I’m not getting pounded harder

Jessica Johnson

In PA we say trailer or mobile home

Ana Patterson

Umm big teddy bears are not pointless. I used to cuddle mine to sleep during a long distance relationship.

Ana Patterson

I too have had sexual relations with my 3 dogs in the room🤦🏿‍♀️ Not the bed! They have jumped up during tho, but are quickly told to get off

Ruby Melissa Ward

My husband and I had sex with the cat in the room years ago. The cat slapped my husband on the ass. They are banned from the room now.

Mary Scheske

I think Kyle and Anessa are coworkers, and have a sort of Mother Hen and adult son who is far away from his own family/lacking decent family members. Like we saw with Lou and T and Brett. And what I see with some of my husband's coworkers.

Crystal Miller

Trailer home or Mobile home.

Amanda DeLeon

If Dougie was in the system, big Doug should have had to complete a parenting course in prison. Deante and Nicole remind me of Forrest Gump and Ginnie 😂😂


Here I am to ruin the Josh love... https://starcasm.net/love-after-lockup-josh-arrested-domestic-violence/

Maritza Lopez

In Arizona, we call them trailer home


I grew up in Nor Cal and it was 'trailer house'


Dogs kicked out and locked out, every time!

Paige Kirkpatrick

I could eat TacoBell everyday BUT they got rid of Mexican pizza, taco salad and tostadas which were my 3 favorites 🤔😪🤧 BTW. I live in St. Louis and I wish I knew where Stan lived cause I would put a new toupee in his mailbox.

Jenn Seth

Just trailer here in Oregon, I actually prefer trailer house better. I work with a lot of school kids who may stand with more pride if that’s what we normalized! That makes me happy!

Mary Hastings

Balonga in the microwave is basically a science experiment.. the Oscar Mayer kind turns into a bowl.. my Dad used to eat it with ketchup in the middle.. he also had his first heart attack at 38 so there’s that😂😂

Stephanie Bloss

yesssss! I haven't had taco bell since they changed the menu, I am free.

Stephanie Bloss

omg my dad made me bologna and ketchup on white bread for lunch every day when I was a little kid. I have to go home to take him in for surgery friday, lol

Emily Resnick

Western Pa - called them trailers I’m with you poodle

Melody Wright

I have tears rolling down my face hearing Poodle’s version of Stan’s night scream. I know the affliction is serious but Stan is a joke. And Poodle is hilarious.

Melody Wright

Not sure if the boys will mention: Stan’s gulping and swallowing of the wine was extra creepy.

Jill Kemp

Douglas has to have non-alcoholic beer because he still has an ankle bracelet monitor. He cannot have any alcohol enter his system while he is monitored, including topicals like deodorant. Having an ankle monitor is kind of like outside jail lol. He could and most likely still be an addict, but wanted to put that fun fact of useless information out there. 🙃

Mary M Conrad

This episode is so funny. Mary Payne calls Daonte Donate because that is what it autocorrects to when you type it in. Also, my daughter has a queen sized bed and half of it us covered with stuffed animals from her boyfriend

Mary M Conrad

I was about to tell you the Lucille Ball Mame was so bad. The Rosalind Russel version is my favorite.

Mary M Conrad

I live in Louisiana and briefly lived in a double wide trailer for 6 months. I called it a trailer. I was embarrassed at first until I realized it was a roof over our heads. My sister was horrified and still talks about she hopes I never have to do that again. I just listen and know I was taking care of my kids. It was clean and there was food on the table.

Ariana M

Just bringing this up because it was talked for the first 4 minutes of the episode but… I loved fried bologna as a kid. And that puff in the middle just reminded me of a nipple. … where are we? Let me move on. Have a great day Sissy Squad!


I love you guys so much!! The first time I heard you guys do the “jealousssss, one leg challenged character” on SNL; I laughed, choked, kept laughing hysterically in public, just did the same thing!!!!


This may have been said, I also love seeing the dogs! Not necessarily licking their goods, although I would have loved that alternative viewing to Angela and Michael’s virtual bath!! Not about looks. they were acting awkward. it was cringy! Back to the dogs, I want to save every animal because they don’t have a choice. For people, I also believe in helping and guiding good choices for them.(former SW), but would not try to “save” an adult. I think they’re personally type is believing everything they help will give them love and respect.


We call them trailers in Southern OHIO (I'm looking at you, Poodle). I've never heard the term trailer house. I also am a dog lover, but they have to go in another room when the magic happens. Also, I think Stan is the most frightening person I've seen on LAL and I have watched every season.

Melissa Smith

New England- I’ve heard trailer, or trailer home, or mobile home never trailer house

Sharon Best

Arkansan here who was born and raised in tiny rural town located in the foothills of the Ozark mountains. Matt’s southern sayings, stories, etc. are 100% on point. His stories are my stories, and I love each and every one of them. They bring back the best memories of home…which when visiting, feels like I’m traveling back in time.


Another New Englandahhhh! I don’t remember hearing anything. I lived in a Cape Cod, (surprise, surprise🙄). I lived all over from the military, and many of the trailers seemed twice the size of our Cape!🤣


I was a teenager, beyond self-conscious, was dog sitting for sis. Snuck “dream” man over, while going the furthest I’ve gone, 2nd base; NIPPLE was full on licked by puppy! Make-out session ended! Maybe puppy saved me from having even more embarrassing moments, like sis walking in!


From Maine, but LOVE LOVE LOVE ‘Southern stories’, all of it, from Matt’s story going deeper and deeper, to Poodle’s laughing and comments!!!


I wish I could have seen Bea Arthur on Broadway! Wasn’t Lana Turner in a movie version? I think she was the most beautiful woman for that time!

Erin Henderson

1. I admit it. I have had sex with a dog on the bed. More than once. I also have four dogs. Sometimes we leave the dogs in the bedroom and sneak out to the couch for some action! 🤣 2. I call it a trailer. Mattie: 1, Poodle: 1

Jessica White

Yup. Fellow New Englander! I’ve always said Mobile or Mobile home. A trailer is something you actually travel and camp in.