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Sunhe grills Jason's mum about her lack of contact with Angelica and Amara. Amy's realisations about Kai impact her relationship with Carina. Rykia reveals a secret she's been keeping. Cristina wants a house that's for sale across from her mom's.




Rykia wasn’t even pregnant anymore when they were ‘going to the hospital’ 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hiya I'm a Houston sissy. It would be awesome if there were extra hours in your day to have a Houston sissy meetup.

Mary Scheske

So what did your producer friend mean, Mattie, when he said this was the best season yet 😂 The fact that Sunhe stood over and explained to Jason's mom what kimbap was (a Korean dish) after she asked Sunhe if she made the sushi, tells me that Sunhe sent the message "I'm cooking what I want, not what the guest wants" - loud and clear

Shelley Harriott

I also call BS on the whole house thing. Housing market is so hot, that house had 10 over asking offers. No way Christina was gonna buy it! Owners moved out and let them tour it with a “realtor” from central casting.

Beth Williams

Amy IS a villan! I was in disbelief at her manipulating Karina and Kai, she could've had it all but reverts back. It really struck a raw nerve for me, she's pretty gross. Thanks for hashing out all out, grooming is an on point definition.

Sabryn Trombacco

There’s so much emotional incest in this show it’s hard to watch at times I’m finally starting to feel poodles pain hahahah

Evelyn Torres

Also I think sunhe is Korean and Jason’s mom might be Japanese

Mary Scheske

I'm also sad to say I don't live in Houston anymore 😭 if I did, I'd bring you and Papa Marr pie or cupcakes 🥧

Krista Downs

My son just got back from Falls creek! I was shocked they didn’t make them get Covid tested before they went! Also my first sexual experience was at Falls Creek😂😂

Fran Dioso

I mean… did Karla take care of Rykia when she was pregnant? I know we only see a glimpse, but it seemed that she was constantly bugging her to work out, do things and wasn’t being super respectful of Rykia’s boundaries. It was all about Karla wanting to get turnt up! I think Karla has a lot of loneliness that she counts on Rykia to fill the void, and that’s suffocating and exhausting. I don’t blame Rykia one bit for not wanting to be there any longer than she has ro


Asking if a job was like a hooker is not the same as calling someone a hooker. It is also not the same as randomly calling someone hooker out of the blue. If the Butter did ask Natalie about her prior job, Natalie still misrepresented what happened between Nat & Butter.

Zoe Loft

Loki was incredible. Also, Owen Wilson has never looked better. I loved his role.


I think the Amy and Karina storyline is fake. I saw a post with some info regarding Amy’s relationship but I don’t want to spoil anything.