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Daniel drops a bomb on Amber after an amazing night together. Aryanna travels to Jamaica and is anxious about seeing Sherlon. Mark and Key have a passionate reunion and reminisce about old times. Martine pushes Steven to think beyond their vacation fun.



SUZE! What an unexpected joy


I think that new The Other Way couple was on a restaurant remodel tv show. They look familiar.

Mary Scheske

The sissy who shared the 🍆 Twitter link has scarred me, I was trying to watch this and that image (and the wtf caption) kept slapping me in the brain every time we saw him 😵😅 Also I can't ever drink a screwdriver ever again after only being able to afford Skol vodka in college


I LOVED Push-Up's! That's what we called Creamsicle's

Jennifer Riester

Whenever people talk about names for grandparents I always share this story. I'm almost 50 and was the first grandchild on my mom's side. Something that was unusual in the early 70's was both of my grandma's parents were still alive and both were remarried so I had great-grandparents and step-great-grandparents. Being a logical child, when they told me my great grandmother was also my grandma, I looked at my mom and said "moregrandma???" and so that was what we called her. She was with us until I was in 4th grade and my siblings and cousins all called her Moregrandma because I was honestly over the number of grandmas I had 🤣

Ali Balki

Thank you Matt Marr for your wise words ‘You have to be open to seeing the person as a new person and not a memory’. My hubby needs that right now… we reunited after 13 years and he is struggling with a few things. It’s hard 😪

Ashley Goodwin

My grandmother’s name is Loretta and we had to call her “Grandmother” because she thought “Grandma” was too improper.

Kimberly Saginario

Size Orman impersonation💀 I actually followed her advice since I was 23 and am now 39 and am not rich (school teacher) but reaping the benefits of what she said in her best seller Young Fabulous and Broke 😆 “girlfriend!! You 👏🏻 cannot 👏🏻 AFFORD IT”

Val McCue

Had a volunteer Peace Corp stint in Central America and YES, the bureaucracy with paperwork “papeles” and transactions is just another level, they have SO MANY SAINT HOLIDAYS…little community I lived in even took siestas midday; yes, Amber better take it down a notch or two because that’s first world problem, gurl


Did anyone else’s Gaytreon feed disappear from the Apple podcast app today?! I was listening to the boys and the audio stopped. When I refreshed the app, the show was completely gone. I’m not a Carl’s Wife with tech so I don’t know what is going on


I called my great grandma Gram. She was amazing

Kelly Kelly

Ariana is a young Danielle

AnitaBonghit 69

I kind of feel bad for suggesting Key's great-grandfather may have been an SS officer who escaped justice in Argentina... I hope they work out.

Kim Longo

Yes! Thank you for the PSA about Covid. I got my Fauci Ouchie back in March. We must get this under control. My cousin that is a doctor (of course vaccinated), got Covid two weeks ago. He got very sick, but he is back home & recovering. He got sick helping those that are believing the misinformation. Let’s protect each other & keep our health care workers safe. Ty! KGQ


I love Mark and Key just as much as Poodle does!! I need them to work out! 😭😭😭🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Yes. I have closed/opened the app a few times and it's still gone.


I was able to get it back by adding the feed again through Patreon. My boys are back!

Laura Vega

There was a raspberry one that we got from the Schwann's guy that is seared into my taste memory.


So glad to hear from our dear friend Suze again!!! Poodle, your Suzie impression is on point!!!