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Yara does something extreme to prove she's still fun to Jovi. A fight breaks out at Kalani and Asuelu's holiday. Natalie contemplates moving out. Libby's family deals with the birthday aftermath.


Val McCue

"como se dice: scissors sisters in Russian?" LMFAO

Laura Vega

The vascular system is still plumbing! It involves a pump (the heart) and valves (veins). It's just a closed system :)

AnitaBonghit 69

Jovi had wild manic eyes after he shamed Yara into letting him go to the strip club

Kelly Kelly

Jovi will 100% cheat on Yara, and even though I feel bad for her, she was warned 🤷🏼‍♀️

Marisa Meno

As soon as Poodle started talking about Russian romantics I knew he was going to mention Anna Karenina lol

Jennifer Riester

Fun story - the year I took the bar exam there was one other graduate who was taking the exam who was a man. I was going to be the only female associate at the firm (and only the 4th woman out of 50 attorneys). The week we were going to get the results the other associates were planning celebrations for the Friday the scores came out (assuming we would pass). They decided to have lunch at the strip club and invited me to go along. I politely declined (no interest, no judgment and I had a client meeting that afternoon). I didn't even think of how awful that was until years later. I ate lunch in the food court with my paralegal and it was lovely.

Karla Booth

So glad I was eating fettuccine alfredo when Poodle was talking about cum in the belly button 😛