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Lauren finds out the results of the IUI; Jared returns to Florida to confront Dawn and Cher; Angelica questions Jason about his commitment to their relationship; Cristina and Kathy make a life-changing decision behind Carlo's back.



Amy Diehl

I was yelling at my TV during Lauren/Lisa and Jason being a douche

Whitney allen

Toshiko drinking that water-that food must have been LOADED with sodium and/or MSG. JEEZ

Holliday in Montana

My fiance drinks road "sodas" out of glass, and glass that doesn't fit in the cup holders so he has to hold it between his legs or balance it between the seats when he shifts. We have non-glass tumblers for this very purpose!! Ah, drives me absolutly nuts. Also, 100% thought Mother Jason was drinking a cocktail as well at first lol And just to add.. this is an "in the woods" thing, not on town roads, highways, etc.

Julia M

Is everyone else getting F-boy island episodes? They’re not showing up on my feed so I didn’t think they’d started but I’ve heard it mentioned on 2 recent episodes I think. I’m wondering if it’s me - my Patreon app always seems to act up

Aimee Mercer

Jason is such a loser!! I. Can. Not. I find myself harboring a strong hate for him and his little dog too! Stupid Chin Chi, or whatever the hell it's name is!

Lillian Martin

Has anyone ever noticed how Cher's voice changes when she talks one on one to Jared vs when her mom is around?

KM Brown

I absolutely loved Toshiko sipping that ice water. The only thing spilled was a lot of tea!