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The ladies dissect the explosive reunion before going on their second 24-hour date with the remaining FBoys, who are desperate to prove they've been reformed by their time on the island.



Beth Williams

Thank you for not making us wait for this! Absolutely the most infuriating ending! The defense of Garrett online is maddening bc he technically won is awful to see. This show was so weird in it's wild tonal shifts, the nothingness done with the eliminated men. I thought the whole thing was going to end as a joke. Guess it kinda did

Erica Garcia

I don’t know how they can do another season because the reveals were the best part. I think Garrett should have got the money- it was the main conceit of the show! Just give Sarah double or something.

Whitney allen

Why wasn’t Jared’s comment to Casey revealed? So silly. Garret was a dick but he actually did win & should have gotten the $$. I felt bad for Sarah but not so sure it wasn’t ALL produced

Not Liz Martin 5

I’m not okay with the way this ended. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I didn't like the show,only y'all's podcast!What a bummer

Megan Mendel

Eh, I don't care if Garret didn't get the money. Fuck him.

Lauren Barnett

CJ couldn’t see an actual future with either of them so she chose the guaranteed $. Still mad about Sarah though 🤦‍♀️

Caitlin Scagnelli

Totally agree with @Lauren- CJ's choice was about the money - a guaranteed 50k or a maybe 50k - easy choice.. especially for a 30yo woman who knows that no real relationship was going to come from this show


Thank you! I thought Garrett won the game, he should have gotten the prize.


There is an episode of the new Scooby due where the villain is an actual ghost.

Prasanna Thani

First-time commenter here - preface with that I love these guys and pretty much listen to all their episodes. Listening to this episode was a bit frustrating - I agreed with everything Matty said, his position on new Jared vs Casey specifically. The arguments Poodle had against new Jared (too agro, different with CJ than he is with the guys, etc) were just as applicable to Casey - but BECAUSE Casey is seen as the pretty face, fun, FBoy - too much latitude was given. For example, we "understand" Casey's gross comments during his first elimination because it was in the heat of the moment, he was hurt and lashing out. But with new Jared's pretty gross comment of 'how'd my d*** taste" we bash him and call it agro. However, we can't see his perspective of having to hear Casey & CJ peacocking to the Nice Guys about what they did to the girls the night before. Why can't it be a simple case of hurt and lashing out with that comment? At least he said it with the boys and not the gross/hurtful comments Casey childishly said to CJ directly. I was nodding and agreeing with Matty this whole episode - think Poodle gave way too much latitude to Casey and it's probably because that his type. We can mask it poor storytelling all we want, but clear bias in my opinion. I mean, even with Josh/Garrett - Poodle went in on Josh for being boring. Even questioned Matty as he confessed his strong support for Josh. Earlier episode Poodle even hinted that Garrett probably isn't as bad as he plays - why? Every scene, across all 10 episodes, had shown Garrett is a shitty person. Finale just confirmed it, couldn't careless Gar Sorry for the rant and love ya queens, but the leeway given to some of these Fboys was pretty frustrating to listen to. I think this is a wider societal issue and the desire to 'fix/tame' Fboys. Apologies for the rant, but ya.