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Steven buys Martine a ring, but he isn't sure what her answer will be.


Mary Scheske

A walking bottle of ranch 🤣😂🤣 when Amber announced "chicken fingers" as a full grown adult on the show, I was embarrassed for her.


Amber gives off serious social worker vibes.

Carly Terblanche

When we went for our first green card interview Officer: are you a terrorist? Hot South African yacht engineer husband: uh no? Officer: are you sure you are not a terrorist? HSAYEH: yes very sure O: are you a polygamist? Or so you plan on practicing polygamy in the United States? HSAYEH: what is that? Me: don’t worry about it O: yass girl Me: 😉 That was basically it.

Tracy Papachristodoulou

Here’s how my K3 interview with former Greek husband went. We walked in with the obligatory collection of photos and documents. The interviewer said, “You’re my last one before lunch. I want this to go well. You want this to go well.” He proceeds to shuffle through a couple of papers and that was it. NOT A SINGLE QUESTION. I am convinced it is not about the silly questions and answers it is about the way you answer them and how you interact with each other. Anyone could have seen us for a minute or less and they would have known we were a real relationship because we either would have been laughing about some inside joke or bickering. Either way no doubt we were a real couple. That’s what they’re trained to look for.


I think Amber saw The Proposal too many times. And not all of us in Florida are crazy. Amber lives in Pinellas Park and Libby lives in Pasco County 😂

Fran Dioso

Uhh hello! Jenny and Sumit have also been together for 10 years 🤣


Those interviews are not like in the movie The Proposal starring Sandra Bullock. My husband is from Venezuela and we had to do this. Basically they ask more for documentation and proof through photos, shared address, etc. Than asking questions. I remember we were asked how and when we met but I don’t remember much else.

Megan Mendel

I literally screamed when you came for Florida and invited Miss Covid onto the show 💀 my in laws are from Florida and live there. Poodle you are so spot on.

Megan Mendel

Poodle is VICIOUS this episode omg. 😂😂😂😂 and Mattie is such a sweet soul. I just love you both


My husband and I went through the Green card process and we had a ton of pictures and documents with us. They asked questions like who do you live with? Who does what chores in the house? How do you wash dishes? Friends and family names? Pretty basic stuff to see if our answers match and we were interviewed separately.


You are gonna get letters from Florida 😂😂😂

Kelly Kelly

The level of shitty your state has to be to not get an apology tour 😂😂😂 Sandusky has moved up in status, friends

Cristina DL

I used to work for an immigration lawyer and some questions that were part of the marriage-based green card interview weren’t so basic (especially if the officer is very suspicious of a couple of immigration fraud coz it happens a lot y'all! (per my boss that is) - which part of the bed do you sleep in? - whats the color of your spouse's toothbrush? -how many people attended your wedding? -what's the color of his bath towel? In my greencard interview, I didn't get questions that were out of the ordinary and I wish I did coz you girl is ready. Although like what other sissies have mentioned, we brought proofs of relationship like pics, bank accounts, insurance, financial shit, the same way “office manager”Amber did with her thick-ass binder. But yeah, my former boss said it's true that language mistakes or the slightest fumble might cost them Their interview, That's prolly why amber was crazily quizzing poor Daniel. The "ranch" though was so random lol but i guess immigration officers are very creative in their ways of questions now. lol


OMG, married 34 years & I don't have a clue on those bathroom questions!

Beth Sekul

Listening to the Masterpiece practice interview has helped me get through a tough week. Thank you so much! Your talent and skills are appreciated and cherished. And you made me buy/enjoy a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. Go!

Cin S-T

As someone who married her gay bestie to "help with his immigration issues" . Our interview was nerve wracking. The interviewer separated us and asked us the same questions to see if they matched. Like what color underwear he wore yesterday, which side of the bed the alarm clock is on, and what we ate for dinner the previous day.