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Darcey and Stacey set sail in Turkey's Twin Bays; Stacey reveals a secret she's been hiding from her sister; Georgi attempts to lift his spirits in an unusual way; Stacey and Florian get news that alters their future.



Whitney allen

YES!! A Sonic commercial!!! U guys know i already sent that tweet. Let’s start a campaign!!

Carrie Allard

You can order anything that Sonic has already made and advertised even if it’s not on the menu. My exhusband used to order the fully loaded tots or something and they didn’t advertise it anymore or have them on the menu but they would make them.

Mary Scheske

Poodle.... Have you had a Korean Cheese Corn Dog? It's a mozzarella stick fried in a batter of panko and chopped up french fries (depending on the recipe). When Darcey and Stacey sang their song on that Bares All clip, they looked like they had signed up for a "sing whatever surprise song we choose" contest on a badly lit karaoke bar stage. They DO need to bring back the chicken toaster! Homer-simpson-drool .gif

Jennifer Riester

Stop with the chicken toaster talk - I really miss being able to eat it!!!!! I've been super disappointed to see how much backlash people are giving them over the ovarian cyst issue. While we all know most are non-cancerous, it's always scary to get that news and women should be kinder about that storyline.


To whoever went to their apartment complex and filmed them - don’t. So weird, such a privacy invasion. They choose who films them and when. That’s super invasive and gross.

Kimberly Saginario

Darcy and Stacey are basically Lucy and Ethel. It’s actually genius. The best sit coms tend to copy story lines from I love Lucy. Altso I am almost 40 years old and if the whole family is getting together for some reason and goes to another location my mom always makes me follow her. 🙄 As if I don’t have google maps and Apple play in my car. She still uses Garmin and talks about it like a real person and a proper noun.

KM Brown

That was my favourite episode ever. I scream laughed through the whole yacht scene.


"Small bites Jay Bird" #mozzarellasticks


Yessss throwback to my favorite song. Colonic/sonic. What is that called when he does that with his voice? I’m a music rube but it genuinely moves me every time!

Marisa Meno

Something my mom still comes at me about: whenever I drive back home after visiting my parents she goes over various driving tips to stay safe (take your time, keep distance from the car in front of you etc) even though I’ve been driving for 5 years.

AnitaBonghit 69

What my mom (everyone really) always comes at me about is.. I'm into target shooting with HPA pellet rifles, like in the Olympics, and when I show a new part I bought or simply even mention it, I always hear "😱 You can't point that at the police!" and I'm always like, "did you really think that was my goal?"

Brittany Williams

Omg Poodle.. I sooo agree about the sonic chicken sandwich they need to bring that back. The only sandwich I like there. GET IT BACK NOW!


I just scream laughed at my desk with the mental image of the hair proclaiming it's freedom as it escaped....

Annie Page

Poodle stopppppp I been raggin on my 6 year old for choking on a mozzarella stick for like a month and he always says “why did you just start hitting my back when I was choking tho??” 🤣🤣


Don’t want to offend, but someone tracking down & driving by Darcey’s home makes me uncomfortable.

Jamie Fontenot

I also choked on a mozzarella stick as a child and STILL think about it. I’m 39! 😭

Tara Quillen

Wait ‘til you’ve been driving for THIRTY years and she’s still doing it. 🤦‍♀️😵🤷‍♀️


Yeah, it's really not cool. That happened in some of the 90DF Reddit groups & it really crossed the line.!