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The housemates gear up to hit the slopes with Kyle's parents, but Amanda is nervous that she isn't a good enough skier to become a Cooke; the Nordic Games pit the housemates against each other for an epic winter showdown.

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Ciara had to know who Madison was!!! Madison was involved in that Arod mess which had Austen tied into the madness. From the reunion with Bravo bleeping out the MLB player to the breakup of Jlo and Arod there was press. It was EVERYWHERE!!!

Heather D.

This is probably old news to all of you, but I just listened to it today and wanted to pass the info on… Paige was recently interviewed on Reality Life with Kate Casey, and she was more candid than I expected (examples: she gave details about filming “Winter House,” her history and current relationship with Craig, MEETING QUEEN PATRICIA in Charleston, etc.) Anyways, I found it a fun episode if anyone needs a “light” listen. (Plus, many of the questions Kate asked connected to Winter House themes Poodle and Mattie have been discussing!)