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Jasmine's jealousy rears its head. Memphis has a secret about her ex. Alina worries that Caleb doesn't understand her abilities. Usman's friends do not support his relationship with Kim. Mike's friends believe Ximena is using him.



Poods I think your timeline is off on Memphis and her ex, I think it was a few months ago not recently

Heather D.

I was just watching this part of the episode, and Memphis said that she slept over at her ex’s house for emotional support at the beginning of her relationship with Hamza. “..when we started dating, I was going through a rough patch in my life..” I forget how long they have been talking though!

Bab Veto

Poodle sorry southern boy I always walk into my sister’s house and ask what she has to eat. I don’t ask her to cook for me but look through her fridge looking for leftovers.

Tina Formica

I have 4 kids. I keep a spreadsheet to tally the amount spent for Christmas presents. If I am off by a few dollars, i anxiously shove the difference into their hands after they open presents. I just got a new scanner that I may use next year to separate the receipts and make a portfolio of what I spent.


Awww how cute is (almost) stepdaddy Mattie driving around talking about your blog


These gifts Gino brought Jasmine were definitely from that pharmacy visit 🪥💊😝

Mary Scheske

When the toothbrush came out, I thought "they had one conversation that he remembered and she didn't" 🪥 but this theory makes a lot more sense


When Memphis walked into the airport and Ingrid went "Awww." I DIED!! I know she was thinking, "Bless her heart."

Jennifer Riester

Mother Jennifer was very interested in making sure all Christmas gifts were fair and even between my brother and I - 5 years difference so no competition but she as (and still is) very sure to keep everything even 🤣


CAAAAAARLLL how do i gift a year subscription? i NEED to do this for a friend! Patreon's site says this isn't possible :(

Reality Gays

Ughhh… a gift subscription isn’t possible, they are correct. It’s one of the things they are working on for 2022. My suggestion would be to wrap a little box with a card inside that said “Reality Gays Patreon subscription for a year!“ and then do the whole procedure with them and use your credit card. It’s the thought that counts!

Jennifer Moseley

I try to keep things even w my daughters. I try not to give them reasons to gang up against me. Seriously, two of them one of me- it’s just math.

Elizabeth Michel

Mattie, turn your mic up! We want to heard you!!

AnitaBonghit 69

It was so bad it was hard to notice, but when Gino aka Ed Gein screamed "Panumuh!" It was in the tune of Van Halen's Panama. 🎶Panumuh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!🎶 Or as my mom thought it was, "Tannenbaum!" (That's maw maw's tune)


I appreciate y’all saying that culturally Tunisians are practical and grounded people but…. No lmaoooo all my Balkan/mid eastern/North African sissies know that these men are 1. TOXIC and 2. Spend all their money on tacky ass Gucci. But if y’all still interested I got some cousins 🤣


Anyone else get heavy 'Larissa' vibes from Jasmine? They've used the term 'old fashioned' in South Park for years now...


My partner is an engineer. They give HORRIBLE gifts. 100%

Heather D.

Umm Memphis is confusing on ALL LEVELS. 😂 And it was simply coincidence that I was watching this part while seeing this topic… I wouldn’t have been surprised if Memphis did have some more “complicated” things going on with her ex though!!

Val McCue

Agreed! I work with engineers, worst white elephant gifts I’ve ever received are from them 🤣

Val McCue

Memphis is so petite, her struggle with the luggage brought me back to Darcey and Stacey Turkey travels…I miss their show!

Sarah Gibbs

Kyle ended their show on Sunday saying he couldn’t wait to hear your take on Jasmine this week. He listens!

Reality Gays

Oh lord, bless them! Our show is a fucking mess, and they actually have intelligent discussions 🤣 I learn so much when we guest on their show

Erin Henderson

I can beat Mother Poodle!! I am the oldest of three kids. (There is a 12 year age difference between oldest and youngest.). My mom makes a Christmas spreadsheet. She has to spend the same amount of money on all of us. BUT THEN! She has to make sure we all have the same amount of gifts. So sometimes I get a few nail files wrapped up or my brother gets gum, etc. My poor mom… ha ha ha!

Riannon Kostin

I'm glad that Father Christmas could make an appearance with Caleb and his mother on this episode.

Kristina Blunt

LDL is bad cholesterol, Poodle. HDL is good cholesterol, I remember L for lousy and H for happy. You’re welcome


Actually, it's the other way around. Your show is a million times better and you guys actually care how about getting things right and/or correcting any errors you make. They do not. You guys are a million times more intelligent and thoughtful and you actually care about your listeners & what they have to say. You guys always say how much cray cray researches stuff and it drives me crazy, cuz nothing could be further from the truth. Truly, I'm not just saying this oh, you are a million times better!


My mom is like this too, must be equal, to the penny, despite that we're in our 50s & we don't care. She's insistent that inheritance be the same way


ND we call it an old fashion too Lol