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Alina ponders telling Caleb about her secret; Memphis feels betrayed by Hamza; Kim challenges Usman's management; Ximena's past disturbs Mike; Jasmine comes clean to Gino; Ben tells his family about his girlfriend Mahogany, 28 years his junior.

THANKS TO KYLE from 90 Day Cray Cray for stepping in while Mattie is dealing with his dad's health. Find all things Kyle & Kim at https://www.realitycraycray.com/


Nohemi Carreno

Prayers for papa Marr 🙏🏽

Heather D.

NO WAY. NO FUCKING WAY. MEN WHO ARE SEXUALLY ACTIVE WITH ORHER MEN CANNOT GIVE BLOOD???? Wait, I have to Google this… okay HOLY SHIT. Unbelievable! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. (I feel so incredibly ignorant not knowing this… I’ve been living overseas for the past 11 years, but that is no excuse. Poodle, thank you for educating me!! Although the RAGE is going to make going to sleep more challenging lol.)

Heather D.

Also, thank you so much for sharing the PO BOX—I’ll be sending Mattie a card extending my best wishes, prayers, and LOVE & LIGHT to him, Mr. Marr, and the rest of the family. Poodle, you’ve gotta admit that “fake cancer” is THE WORST 😭😭

Amy Kalasunas

Not gonna lie & with all due respect to all parties , WHY CANT KYLE BE ON CAMERA ? Mattie would be on the watch along , so why is Kyle not sharing his deep voiced face? GOD DAMN IT KYLE DO IT FOR MATTIE!!

Becky Stapleton

I started listening to Reality Gays because of Kim & Kyle 🥰

Katie Mullicane

Prayers for Mattie and Papa Marr. We are thinking of you!! I, on the other hand, started listening to Cray Cray thanks to Mattie and Poodle. The Same…Saaaame.

Annie Page

Genuinely never listened to a podcast that included a straight man, it’s giving unity, it’s giving togetherness.:..maybe next I’ll listen to the Rogan guy lol JK. Is this how they get you in Q? Is Kyle my gateway??

Gail Kramer

Sending Mattie virtual support for him and his family. I've enjoyed your homecare minutes. You have to live it to know it. Good job Poodle and Kyle! I also am a fan of Cray Cray


keep going queens

Michele Marsh

Omg the UTAH impersonations I’m dying!!! It was spot ON! Lmao. We ❤️ you Mattie 🙏🏻


My heart goes out to you Mattie and papa Marr 💞

Whitney anderson

I was super excited to hit play and hear Kyle’s voice!! Poodle and Kyle sound like they’ve been podcasting together for a long time and I laughed so hard. Super natural! Sending all the good vibes to Mattie and his family🤍


I tried to give blood last week and couldn’t because I now have constant asthma wheezing thanks to Covid. There are so many questions on their intake now. I encourage everyone to look at the donation questionnaire online before they go. But please GO. One of my oldest friends, a gay guy with a longtime partner (not on PRep) has a blood type that’s always in high demand. He and his partner schedule their sex around their blood donating. They said the window is now 3 months of abstinence for gay men. They will give blood in couple times in 16 wks, have a weekend of crazy sex, then abstain until they can donate again.


Prayers goin up for the Marr family 🙏🏻🤍

Chelsea Raycraft

Kyle was great but I miss Mattie! Thinking of him and his family ❤️

Tonya Beth

Me too! Then I started listening to The Melanated Way and Pink Shade because of Matty and Poodle. It’s so much 90 day content that I don’t even watch the show anymore.

Dioji Woolf

When I was still in the closet, I hated looking like an asshole during every blood drive!

Heather D.

I started listening to them around the same time in August 2019 I think, and they compliment each other beautifully!! It is wonderful to get multiple perspectives on the show from four people who (after listening to their content through the pandemic… and are we still in the pandemic? Lol) feel like they are my “faraway friends” that well, don’t actually know I exist 😂😂

Heather D.

Thank you for sharing! After having a C-section this past July, I needed a blood transfusion, and I remember thinking, “WHAT???” I know other people have more serious experiences and need more blood than I did, but watching those five bags of blood go into me… WOW, makes it all really hit home. I have an infant now, so even though I am vaccinated and boosted, I’ve been staying at home. I definitely will donate though.. thanks again for sharing your stories and messages!

AnitaBonghit 69

The dumb ass USB shirts remind me of when I was producing beats for a singer in the 2010s and we're all wearing "360 Music" tees before they go onstage opening for E-40 and over the announcer I'm asking, "What is 360?" Then he explains "It's because my life turned around. I went a whole 360!" I ask, "Isn't that a 180?!" He shrugs and goes on stage while I stood on the side in horror as my song played. In that moment I knew not to expect ASCAP checks from them 🙄 Also, Usman did pang-pang on BGK

Becky Raeta

I missed Matty’s Kimbaaahly impression this episode 😭wishing the best for him and his family


My gay friend gives blood more than any person I know and just lies! He’s married to a man, idk how he avoids the questions. He’s O negative which is the universal donor so we need it from him!

AnitaBonghit 69

That season of Extreme Sisters gave me so many memorable additions to my list of everyday phrases that sadly nobody else understands. God help me if I hear the words 'hello', then 'hi'. I start from the top with, 'that's my guy' and end with 'thats Maw Maw's tune!'