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Major feelings emerge at the changeover; the participants are back with their original partners, but the transitions may be bumpy.



Jacqueline Smith

Poodle! The Wally Lamb book is I Know This Much is True! Freekn amazing book! Lol

Katryn Adams

These people are so frustrating! None of them are ready to get married. Half still need to sow their wild oats and the other half need serious therapy before they're ready for a long-term relationship.

Jacqueline Smith

Coming at ya! At the end of the show I literally thought “Aside from April, these people are just ick.” Even Rae became unlikable. I’m sad we didn’t get more Alexis. She was amazing.

Mary Scheske

One of the best episodes of "the movies that made us" on Netflix is the production cast of Dirty Dancing dishing on how Jennifer Gray and Patrick Swayze hated each other from a previous war movie they were in. 🍿

Sarah Williams

So I wonder if Zay and Colby’s initial club situation had to do with Zay working… 🤔🤔 April, I have no idea on the situation.

Terri-Jane Taylor

I'm only watching this shit show because it's a mess. Season 2 better have people over 30. None of these people are ready for marriage.

Tracy Papachristodoulou

I love a shitshow but this was unwatchable for me. I’m listening to the podcast episodes but I gave it three episodes and just kept hating myself for watching. The small sample and the premise just seemed too far fetched. The best characters left right away!

Caitlin Brooks

I’m so happy you say “csheating” like Lacey every time 😂 😂 cause i hear it in my head that way every time now 😂 😂


I love lilies! Have some in a bouquet right now and no one had to die!

Claire Pancerz

No - the “one person” theory is bullsh. There are MANY possibilities, so that thinking drives me insane. I also hate what has been pushed on women from films - that a man will fall in love with you automatically once you sleep with him. Watch movies with that lens and what you see will surprise you (I think).

Anousha Nzume

Yeah, I’m only watching this boring mess so I can listen to the podcast more informed.

Alison Batten

I hate when people give me Lilies with the damn stamens still attached. Guys, a good florist will cut those off so you don’t get a counter top covered in yellow pollen.

Jilliann Gardner

Lilies are my absolutely favorite! Especially Stargazer lilies and Tiger lilies!

Jilliann Gardner

This was the episode I gave up on. This show is both a mess and also not messy enough.


I am with April on the video of Rae. Rae is now considered his "ex" and to have a video of your ex like that is not appropriate imo. I would also have an issue with it, since clearly Jake has romantic feelings for Rae.

Elizabeth Marks

Poodle!! I know you have to know about the language of flowers. It was huge in Victorian times - the flower and it's color meant something.

DJ Nightshade

I know this is late, but since I didn’t see anyone comment on it, I think Shanique asked him to re-word it because he was perpetuating the idea that if a woman is cutting with her words it’s automatically negative and should be corrected. The fact that he said she’d destroy Randall implies that his comfort as a man should come first. I imagine that Shanique has experienced this a lot as a black woman. Then it’s worse because she doesn’t even get to explain why she wanted him to re-word it because…she’s interrupted by two men. 🙂

Amy Diehl

I agree! Also it perpetuates the idea that women are desperate for men to fall in love with them and that they can't just be sexual without worrying about afterwards