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Kim and Micah share first-ever cocktails together, and Kim reveals the reasoning behind her parenting choices. After years, Ethan and Barry finally make amends, but Ethan keeps new secrets from Olivia. Lydia asks Kim tough questions.



Amy Diehl

Ethan is such a grown ass child ugh. But Olivia keeps allowing it!! Also Barry fuckin sucks

Amy Diehl

Lydia needs to stop acting like she's grown and has experience w relationships. She is annoying me

Taylor Wallace

Ethan's mindset of "men who are able to communicate and articulate their feelings are like ladies" speaks volumes. I experienced that in former relationships, and I read the writing on the wall. That's why they're *former* relationships.

Heather D.

Like you said, they designed marriage for “more land, more esteem” and MORE POWER. Poodle, I am SUPER into your rant.. it makes me want to get onto my own soapbox to rant about the inherent flaws of organized religion… 😂😂


Love you guys but no more opera 😂😂😂😂


The segment of Ethan and Moriah watching fart noises seemed like a product placement for Dish Network to me… that’s why it felt so weird and out of place

Peggy Ann

Favorite send off by far

Jenn Seth

Oh my gosh, the opera!!!! I died laughing! And Mattie you are 100% about the opera! Almost peed my pants!!!!!! Gahahaha

Val McCue

Agreed! I was shocked they didn’t show the fart emoji either, whole thing pretty dumb if you ask me.

Elizabeth H

The opera bit gave me life! As a SAHM who gets overly bored with my toddler, I often turn our day into an entire opera.

Dayna deFaltay

More opera..more opera..encore..👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Heather D.

Just trying to post the Kate Casey episode with Ethan and Olivia. (Episode 310, November 27, 2020) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/reality-life-with-kate-casey/id1154758766?i=1000500447720


The Bachelorette is a hot mess haha. The producers want us to think they’re making the rules but they for sure aren’t. In the promos there’s already a storyline where one guy ends up wanting to be with the one of them after being with the other the whole time so they end up being in competition with each other and feeling inadequate. They want us to think it’s good for women but it’s super not haha.

Robin H

F Boy Island S2 is what the bachelotette wishes it was


Kim Plath needs to apologize to her KIDS.

Heather D.

I’ve been a devoted Sissie since 2019, and through your podcast, I discovered PINK SHADE! Erin and Mary Payne are the only other people I have heard discuss “Plathville” with the same level of passion, thoughtfulness, and enthusiasm as you two! I know you are insanely busy, and “May-nage à trois” is over, but a “Plathville” crossover episode would be pretty epic!! I love the different perspectives all four of you bring to “Plathville,” and most importantly, you are invested in and respectful of the relationships and “characters.” Well, a girl (lol a 39 year old girl) can dream!! 😂

Robin black

Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer is one of my all time favorites.. RIP Phil Hartman

Ashley Bee

I agree the episode was really revealing and Mama Plath is a survivor and I also never do this but I gotta go off on the Lydia situation lol. That conversation with Lydia should have gone very differently as the parent. She doesn't want to hang out with Lydia because she doesn't want to face accountability. As a mother, she should have said I know I raised you one way and now I'm acting entirely different and here is why. Instead, she says Lydia is going to judge her and paints Lydia more as a villain. She also doesn't want to hang out with Lydia because then she would have to take accountability for dumping all her parenting on Lydia. Mama Plath didn't want to hang out with Ethan, Olivia, Micah, or Moriah and they were the problem back then because they were a mirror for things she had done wrong and now that's just flipped to Lydia (or her young children she's avoiding by being at the dance studio). She and Papa Plath created the person Lydia is now, and instead of taking accountability and trying to maintain the VERY close relationship they had, she's refusing to engage. And she is the parent. She's being just as hurtful to Lydia as she was to Micah and Moriah and Ethan, it just feels more understandable because Lydia is the religious robot that is easy to feel frustrated by. I felt for Mama Plath this episode but I also felt for Lydia having the rug pulled out from under her, with no real care or consideration for her feelings, experience, or for having to be a parentified kid her whole life, including even more so now. It feels very narc-like to me, Lydia was the golden child, could do no wrong for years, and then suddenly is dropped like a hot potato because Mama Plath is ready to live her hot girl summer like Micah and Moriah.


My wedding (real wedding, not Vegas) was 8 minutes long. We'll be married 35 years this month. Anyway, not an opera fan & somehow LOVED your opera bit🥰

Mary Scheske

I couldn't decide whether to be incredibly fearful for Lydia's willful ignorance about adult relationships or enraged that her willful ignorance came off so arrogant... But that tells me Barry got to her first. (Also as far as wedding ceremonies go, mine was short and included my husband's mentor, and it was a whiskey box ceremony)

Shelby Andrews

Ok I LOLd at the gym “he’s like the alien on American Dad.”

Rebecca Llewelyn

I’m here for the Robyn Brown hate. I knew she was a snake from day 1. I could go on and on about her…and that turd Kody.

Amanda awadjie

I think it’s SOO funny when poodle messes up on a name and matty doesn’t even notice 😂😂😂😂 poodle always calls Lydia Olivia by accident and he even called Micah Michael … I was waiting for matty to have his time to correct poodle for once but he missed it 😂🤦🏽‍♀️

Courtney Donovan

I’m honestly not surprised Kim was a victim of child sex abuse. I kind of read between the lines when she introduces herself in episode one and says her mother was an alcoholic and there were a lot of chaotic times. Anytime there’s a substance addicted mother in the picture, I kind of just assume their children have been abused because if they’re fucked up all the time, they’re not paying attention to who they let around their kids. It’s just a sad fact.

Dog mom

I nominate the Opera for a Loadie. We don’t really have to vote on it. Clear winner….

Nohemi Carreno

Ok. Thank you for saying something. I thought I was the one who misinterpreted what names they were using. I even rewinded to hear again.

Nohemi Carreno

I could not stop laughing at no lip papa plath. Muppet mouth papa plath. 🤣

Heather D.

Maybe I’m an idiot, but my heart goes out of her. She is literally saying the words and performing the actions that have been indoctrinated into her by her parents her entire life. I can’t IMAGINE what Lydia is struggling with, being manipulated by her father, low key shamed by Kim for being judge mental and WTF KIM WHERE DO YIU THINK SHE LEARNED ALK THIS!!! I completely agree that it will be her responsibility moving forward to develop her own agency and an individual sense of curiosity and open-mindedness. But how could anyone expect an 18 year old raised in this fashion (let’s just take a moment to recall the how her parents repeatedly shamed her so disgustingly for texting a boy. I am 100 percent TEAM PLATH KIDS… I just want to see them continue to broaden their horizons literally and figuratively! Oh my goodness, and that was absolutely no shade to either of your comments. Lydia clearly sounded “holier than thou” But where else has she had a true opportunity yet to learn different responses and coping strategies? Sorry, this show is so GOOD, I’m just in my feelings 😂

Heather D.

PREACH!!!! Thank you for articulated what I’ve been trying (clumsily) for weeks to explain. It’s just SO F-ING DARK that Kim (and Barry) were these Svengali-esque characters, designing their ultimate masterpiece (Lydia) and then leaving her in the proverbial dust without so much as an acknowledgement or explanation I can certainly have empathy for the atrocious trauma Kim was subject to as a child—having experienced it myself, it is an unfathomably heavy load to carry. However, generational trauma is REAL, and until she is able to start to speak authentically and honestly to all of th her older children about the emotional abuse and neglect that was a cornerstone of the family culture she and Papa Plath espoused, it’s hard for me to cheer on the “Mama Plath Hit Girl Summer.” Don’t get me wrong—Barry is terrible, leave him.. but I don’t want to hear, “I’m Kim Plath and I just want to dance and have fun and get cocktails” while Lydia is LITERALLY trying to raise and educate her little sisters (from what we have seen.) I just LOVE this show… and it’s wonderful having you queens and other sissies share their variety of experiences and opinions!

Kristi Burks

I think y’all missed the point of the fart noises segment. Yes the fart noise thing was silly, but the whole discussion about wanting to see movies that the whole world has seen but they have not was just more of us getting an understanding of what the kids went through. Also when Ethan talks about seeing Casablanca and how he snuck the tape in another room and watched it in secret was just more evidence of the shame he lives with 24/7.


I thoroughly enjoyed the Platville Opera. Bravo(a)! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🌹🌹🌹

Jennifer Sible Burke

The Family 🐩 Poodle‼️ I am Here. For. It. ‼️

Starr D

Has anyone else clocked Papa Plath’s odd “hanged dogged mixed with a splash of I’m a naughty boy smirk” he drops it occasionally but when he’s peeking out of the window watching the kids go off his shoulders are back head tall, but when the kids look back at him and wave he falls right back into that false poor, poor Barry head down posture. It’s disturbing yet aggravating. Please someone tell me they wanted to sock him too!! I had such a visceral reaction. Also his whispery voice just an odd affect.