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A young, newly engaged heiress has a skiing accident in the days before Christmas. After she is diagnosed with amnesia, she finds herself in the care of the handsome cabin owner and his daughter.

Find all things Ben and Ronnie at https://www.watchwhatcrappens.com/



Jen Greenan

Thank God I turned this piece of shit off before the blooper reel.


I’m really going to miss ronnie’s lindsay impression

Nikki Buchanan

Thank god there was a 4 hour discussion for this horrible 2 hour movie! It was needed! Made my Lindsay watching pain worth it!

Kelli Gravois

I heard that was a double for the kiss. She didn't want to kiss another man other than her husband.


I watched that horrible movie (on fastest speed) just to be able to fully appreciate your 4-parter. Love you guys!

Caroline Dickie

This 9 hour recap was unhinged and I loved every minute of it. I died when Ben said Abuela wanted to use the desk drawer for a router 😂. I also loved that Tad started to sound a lot like their impression of Faye from BD Adventuaaah!