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Kris prepares to meet her fiancée in person; Gabe gears up to mix business and pleasure in Colombia; Daniele preps for a reunion with Yohan in the Dominican Republic; after a two-year engagement, Jen has hopes for an Indian wedding.

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(No title)


Robin H

Love this episode of Queens in Shawls! Appreciate you two and your way of talking about trans representation.

Jennifer Riester

Apparently there has been no confirmation and the only one saying her husband his still alive is Carol so....

Anita Carol

Matt, I think you were trying to reference Dirty, Rotten Scoundrels. One of my absolute most favorite movies!

Victoria vdM

I went on Gabriel's Instagram. Other than ONE comment about how he is spreading transphobia by having the full surgery, people seem to be supportive. :D I am happy for him.

Lois Molina

There’s always one A-hole that needs to be seen. Good for him! Let him live his life!

Tonya Beth

It’s so refreshing talking about new people. I’m going to enjoy and ride the bliss until they make us hate them 😅