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We are covering episode 3 of Indian Matchmaking as your Bi-Curious!!! Enjoy Sissies!

Viral meets Aashay's parents. Rushali enjoys a first date - until it hits a snag. In California, Sima urges ER doctor Vikash to rethink his criteria.



Bab Veto

Thank you B Sides Gods. Aunty Sima is happy.

Ruby Melissa Ward

It is not ABCDE... IT IS D I V O R C E

Robin black

ABCDE F U by Gayle- listen to the angry version when your pissed at someone!!! Great break up song

Lily C

I went to UC Davis! It is NOT a party school 😂 we have one crazy day of drinking starting from 6am(picnic day) but outside of that it’s extremely chill. You have to go out of your way to look for big parties

Diana Kohnke

Lols, thanks for confirming my suspicions that Vikash is gay, is Bobby?

Jane Swanson

I just continue to love 💗 enjoy the Oklahoma stories ! I went to another college in Phoenix -Baptist intentionally so I would just study. It didn’t work 😎😂 I got some of my best test scores after a 🥳night or two 🤷🏻‍♀️

Mel Ortiz

Came here to say this 😂 definitely thinking of Chico state

Robin black

I lived in the Bay Area and went to San Jose State; back in the early 90s when I was in college, Chico State was known as THE party school in the CSU system.

Robin black

Also- I was chucking at the Heidi N Closet chat and the teeth- I follow her on IG- you can get your own Heidi FLESH LIGHT, with the GAP! I laughed so hard. Make those dollars!!!

N Bey

Davis is absolutely not a party school. You’re thinking of Chico State.


Pickle smoker 😂

Shelley Harriott

I saw a tic toc where they said it costs $20k to just get in Sima Aunties database. It goes up if you want her to actually try to get you a match.


Does anyone know which 3 episodes they're covering? The first 3?

Sheila Leigh

Poodle isn’t wrong…I’m 16 years in and 3 kids. It’s part I love you so much and part tolerance!! Just has to be tolerance on both parties.

Katryn Adams

I think Bobby is just British. I'm American but live in the UK and he doesn't read as gay to me. He just has primary (elementary) school teacher energy.


I think Bobby is just really awkward. Math nerds aren't for everyone.

Carey Addis

Joaquin Phoenix is not a what his name!

Lilly Espinoza

Poodle’s stance on marriage isn’t wrong. I couldn’t stand my ex husband while we were married and hated everything he said and did. I tolerate my current husband’s bad habits as he does mine because there’s love there.

Chelsea Raycraft

I went to UCDavis and live in Davis and it is hardly a party school… except maybe for Picnic Day. Santa Barbara is the party school lol

Lisa F

Always heard good things about this show and wanted to watch; and since it was selected, I’ve binged starting from season 1. LOVE this show. What a refreshing window into Indian culture that sadly I didn’t know much about (I blame our American “education” system”. Looking back on disastrous/unfulfilling relationships I’ve been in; I think this system of matchmaking and meeting parents at the beginning would have led to a much better situation for me in life.

Lisa F

Auntie Sima is amazing. So honest with her clients but also gives them hope and calms them when they’re nervous about meeting their date. She’s making some serious cash because these families clearly have a lot of 💰. I bet each biodata coats a fee. Add on the meeting with the family and travel. Whew.. ka-ching. Now let me go watch episode four so I can see the disastrous date mentioned for dancing doctor.