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Razvan's mom shares her concerns about his relationship. Dempsey discovers Statler doesn't want kids. Violet stops Riley from saying the L-word. Jasmine takes Gino by surprise with one last request. David and Sheila share a sad goodbye. Cleo wonders if Christian wants to stay exclusive.

Part 1

Amanda/ Razvan 20:37

Cleo/ Christian 43:16

Jasmine/ Gino  54:54



DJ Nightshade

I think Amanda is actually sexually bland. She does have a sixth sense of what he needs but compared to the average ACTUALLY sexually liberated woman she’s vanilla af. Like, drop her off at a sex party in any notable city and she’d be turning up her nose and/or having a panic attack. The point missed is that she looks like she’s 16, talks like it, dresses like it. For a straight man that IS the end all be all. Legal but catering to every unspoken problematic fantasy that more cishet men have than any of us want to admit. She thinks swallowing & an*l makes her “I’m not like other girls.” So that sixth sense, I believe, is more leaning into whatever version of bare3ly leg4l fantasy is suitable for the partner. Read on Christian is so on point. I think even when dudes are kind/inclusive to him he still manages to paint himself the victim.


Just FYI Mattie your sound is much softer and lower than Poodles—sometimes I have to strain or increase the volume to hear Mattie’s parts


I am not an Amanda fan but why are you guys only blaming her for Jason’s first marriage breaking up? He made the decision to leave his first wife in that situation, other people can’t make that decision for you…

Lisa Paulk

I had a coworker that had explosive diarrhea while I was driving her home and it was EVERYWHERE. I made it to a gas station with my head out the window while heaving. I wouldn't sit in my passenger seat after that and traded it in soon after.


100% agree. Also, wasn’t she 19 and wasn’t he in his 30s (and her boss)?

Emily K

I think they were just describing her and how she behaves with men. They've talked in the past about their situation and said that they're both complicit. But I get why you might be concerned just hearing that as a one-off.

Emily K

Geeeenoviaaaaa, the land I call my home 🎵 (Princess Diaries)

Val McCue

OMG - you’re a good friend, Sissy! I’d had called an Uber.

Val McCue

Let me tell you, as a parent of an Autistic teenager, and having interacted with adults on the spectrum, an extrovert, self-proclaimed “social butterfly” like Christian with an autistic person is a match made in hell! Also, tin foil hatty take on Cleo’s friend: she’s former KGB agent who’s specialized in interrogating techniques and she’s now side hustling with MI6.


Mattie, remove the mask during your podcast. You can't give us your Covid. Get well soon.


Yes, exactly! That’s why I think it’s very unfair to give her all the blame when Jason obviously had a lot of the power in that scenario. It doesn’t excuse how Amanda acts but I just don’t feel comfortable hearing over and over that she’s a husband stealer- Jason was presumably capable of making his own choices.

Lisa Paulk

Apparently it's really funny when I tell it in person, I have a weak stomach 😅


Matt, your daddy and my grandma share a birthday. It was also grandparents’ day. We celebrated with the whole family including my baby who I had out of wedlock 🤪


Earth toChristian- if you are approaching women at a bar/ restaurant/ any public place, THEY ARE GOING TO THINK YOU’RE HITTING ON THEM! That man knows absolutely nothing about women, and I’m with Poods, after 5 min with him, I’m pushing him in front of a bus too. Total shoulder rubber

Emily K

Ugh, exactly! No awareness. Made me cringe so much.


Totally agree. She's not that great at sex, but holy shit men will do ANYTHING and put up with ANYTHING to keep fucking a woman with flat abs and no cellulite. Anything.

Lois Molina

How old is your child? My son is 15, nonverbal and my daughter is 13. My son enjoys anyone but my daughter would not be able to handle a Christian personality.

Tabetha Roadhouse

September is a good time yall! So happy with all the episodes this month guys! Sending love your way Mattie💜🎀 As for Morrow! I live in British Columbia. There is a town outside my city called Agassiz. There is a Morrow Road there! Wonder if its any relation to your family Mattie! (Beautiful area too) 😅 As for the episode. I loved when Razmans mom said, 'Maybe she is fickle person'. 😂 What a way to describe somebody whose terrible! Note taken! Can't wait to listen to more. Just had to comment on what I could! 💕


British Columbia sissy here- so much local content (Father Poodz fishing here, Mattie’s great great grandpappy running off to Texas). Visiting my 82 y o dad and cringing w meal prep/housekeeping “hacks”


Hey, didn’t read your comment before I piped up re BC!

Val McCue

My son is 15, too! He’s verbal but he gets overstimulated, and can only take small doses of celebrations, loud noises, chatter, etc…he’s okay with toned down birthdays (he loves cake like Poodz). My daughter is 12, neurotypical, very social, just the opposite but I’m lucky they do love each other, and never ever get in siblings fights, unlike me with my brother when we were kids 🫠

Stephanie Bloss

Petition to rename “put them on the bus” with “Give her a Bus Pass 🚌”

Caroline Dickie

I recently found out my great grandfather, who I knew nothing about until a couple weeks ago, had a whole other family he left behind! TW: suicide. My dad casually told me this story while sipping wine at dinner and I did not expect ANY of this. Apparently his grandfather had gone from Northern Ireland to the USA as a young man, got married and had a couple kids, then moved back to NI. No one knows why he left or what happened to those kids. He later married my great grandmother, had 5 kids, and died. Everyone said he had drowned but actually, my great aunt found him, he’d hanged himself in the barn. They had to send the youngest kid to live with another family for a while and he wound up marrying one of that family’s daughters and moving to Canada. She had protected him from bullies because his dad had died by suicide. Oh, and while on the way to Canada ( by ship), his friend got appendicitis and died. There was no where to bury him so his body was thrown overboard. I feel like Irish stories may have been the original southern stories.

Caroline Dickie

Snooker is a different game from pool!

Anousha Nzume

Yes, but wasn’t that also 3 years after she assaulted someone with a bat #allegedly? So she is a particular piece of work. I think that’s what they mean.


I don’t think she’s a good person but I do think the conversation around her is extremely misogynistic. I am a huge fan of reality gays, it’s just this one thing that actually really bothers me because it takes two to cheat. I have been cheated on and it sucked, but ultimately the guy I was with was to blame for the cheating, the other woman wasn’t innocent but she didn’t “steal” the loser from me - he was a willing asshole in the situation.

Kelly Czerak

Audio feedback: Poodle’s mic sounded much clearer and louder than Mattie’s did. When Mattie started speaking, it was hard to hear him clearly - especially in my car. 😊

Tonya Beth

I mean, is there any chance that Gino’s family ISN’T really weird? He didn’t come from no where!


Yes yes yes to a bi-curious for RHOSLC!!

Elise Rose

Christian is attracted to the women he talks to and ultimately if they would he would but they just usually if not always don’t.

Sheila Leigh

Being a police officer, I approve this donut PSA!! 🤣 #dontpullover

Amy Diehl

Completely agree about donuts!!! Just give me a really good glazed or maple cake donut!!

Sheila Leigh

I was going to say the same. There’s a place in my city (the only place I’ll eat donuts) they are super fluffy and glazed, they melt in your mouth. And plain glazed is the best.

Katherine Rea

Cleo IS from “Europe” 😂😂 most ambiguous, vaguely British accent and she has the lewk

Katie Lopez

I love how Mattie has talked about his friend’s child Cross at least 3x now and Poodle is equally as upset EVERY time 😂😂


I was thinking the exact same thing. They didn't bring up this time that "Cruz" is a super popular name!!

Kelly Czerak

And that they forget that Gene Simmons’ grandson from Smothered is also named Cross 😂


I don’t think I have gasped that loudly hearing father poodle left for a fishing trip the day of their 50th anniversary!

Marsha Hurley

Did anyone else enjoy Guillermo on Pillow Talk calling out Jasmine’s ass?

Maria Weber

Christian feels entitled to women’s attention. I would say he probably doesn’t approach men the same way because he respects their personal space and privacy more!