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One participant feels the paint of an unrequited crush; another make a heartfelt apology. Intensity builds between two people weighing other options.




Elizabeth Smart and her harp going on to host Press Your Luck will never not be funny.


Mattie saying “Lydia’s had conversations with this guy (Uche)” before even knowing what happens in the next episodes… he can teach Kimberly from TOW something about seeing the future

Hannah Goralewicz

Me: I shouldn’t listen to the podcast while I’m at work, but I’ll have my earbuds in. It will be fine. I’m reality gay-ing myself. 😂😂

Claire Pancerz

And it’s totally worth it - LIB episodes are always my favorites of the year!

Hannah Goralewicz

it is totally worth it! Someone at work was talking to me during my last hour and I was like “Mhmmm, now what did Poodld say about Hole?”

Jessica K

Lol just yesterday I was describing a closeted gay Italian-American friend I had in college and how he grew up hanging out in the kitchen w all these old Italian ladies in his family … the epitome of the kitchen boy 😂

Colleen 🗑

Once I made a joke about robbing the cradle to my husband and he responded "yeah, and I'm robbing the grave." *Darcey voice* didn't go good! 😂

Megan MacKenzie

The end of grapes of wrath she’s actually breast feeding an old man 😂😂 me and my friends used to use the phrase “rosasharn’s teat” all the time. Eg: damn it’s hotter than rosasharn’s teat out here

Amanda Griffin

I can’t focus on what any of these people are saying because of how many times they say “like” when they are talking. I’m just counting the “like’s” 🫠

Erica Garcia

These couples are flops. I’m happy to see more diversity but you telling me these were the best from that whole batch?

Shelby Andrews

“Dried his tears, with you HAIR.” I open mouthed cackled

Katherine Rea

You and your friends sound hilarious I love that. Yes, poodle the ending is even sadder! The baby DIES but rosasharn is still making milk so she breastfeeds a man dying of hunger. I’m gonna start saying hotter than rosasharn’s teat now 😂😂😂😂

Kayla E

For that cable TV experience, I love Pluto! The ad breaks aren't usually well-timed but it's free and easy to put something on that will lower my blood pressure, like Designing Women or Frasier 😅 I've been surprised by the variety and quality of movies they run too!

Marcy Rodenborn

LOVE IS REAL. I kind of like the real convos - no big love story

Marcy Rodenborn

Lydia sounded so drunk this episode - and she messed up words and sounded like Cecily Strong’s character on SNL “drunk girl you ended up talking to at a party.”

Taheerah Bilal

Just want to say I met Kyle (from Kyle and shayna) at my hotel in Barcelona this summer and he is cuteeee in person, that smile lights up in person lol


I just got cable cut off and I miss scrolling crappy channels so much !!!

Jennifer Whirley

The quiet “it’s a write off” had me dying of laughter

Colleen 🗑

Haha RG quotes have worked their way into my daily conversations. "Not familiar" is another one!


Dammit my hetero is showing - y’all referenced Kelly Clarkson for “beautiful disaster”, my brain went to 311 😆


Uche gives me Big Ed vibes in a much better looking package but still just as awful

Amy Diehl

I will NEVER forget where I was when I heard the Elizabeth Smart convo for the first time 😂 still funny


I still like Uche I don’t understand the love bomb accusation - don’t you have to say it multiple times….