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Nikki prepares for a trip to decide the fate of her relationship with Justin. Rob dances his way into Sophie's heart. Ashley's witchcraft and her pets seem to put a hex on Manuel. Jasmine reunites with Gino but realizes Michigan is her own personal hell.




“I should’ve worn a grounding crystal” is my new excuse for everything


I had the same thought about the word witch and what it means in other cultures and religions. Like can’t she be a “spiritual healer” or a “energy healer “ that may not translate either … 🤷🏻‍♀️ 🧙‍♀️

Cris Sanchez

Rob’s car is a Chrysler Crossfire. It was manufactured from 2004-2008. It is no longer in production.

AnitaBonghit 69

Ashley has a mission to expose and educate people who think differently of witches similar to Nicole and Miss Mood, and her boyfriend Spanish Sumit is dead to me for the pet hate.


I’m not a native Spanish speaker, so please correct me, but couldn’t she have just used the word “Curandera”? It’s like a folk healer.


You would think having the struggles she had by not being called the correct gender…she wouldn’t call him a completely different name that he didn’t request. I dont get warm fuzzies from them…its not gonna go good


FYI, Igor is speaking Russian with his friend whereas my recollection is that Andrei speaks Romanian. I would like to know from Moldovan sissies if most people in Moldova know both and if there are any political or class differences between Romanian and Russian speakers. I know a lot of Ukrainians who speak predominantly Russian though they are anti-Putin.

Val McCue

I highly recommend - looking at you Manuel - watching an excellent documentary called “All of Them Witches”. Yes, brujería along with brujas (os), has a negative connotation in Latin America thanks to the Catholic Church, but as Mattie stated, the term is being taken back by the coven.

Amber Atkins

I don't like Manuel already. The way he was pulling on Rico suave's ears is like the way Ed used to give Teddy a bath. Plus, it's a major red flag when a guy starts telling you to get rid of your pets. I'm worried he's going to start to abuse them.

Katrina Coley

Also a camera crew will be with them, of course that's gonna bring more attention! I understand that they try not to talk about show stuff.

Katrina Coley

I love this space, I wanted to know what it was and knew someone would post it. Thank you!

Erica Garcia

Igor is shooting to the top of one of the hottest on 90 Day, I have to excuse myself to an interior room! 👅💦 And I agree that is very disrespectful to just name him something else; look at Libby she actually pronounces Andre’s name correctly as it is. (I’m kind of triggered because my name is the Spanish Erica sorry) anyhooo….agreeing with a Sissy above that maybe Ashley could’ve used “curandera” but I’m not here to make a-holes like that comfortable.

Amber Atkins

I cackled when Coco peed on the floor, and Jasmine said it was probably there already. THEN she stuck her finger in it and called his bluff. It reminded me of the show How Clean Is Your House? When Kim would do things like that.


Igor is my favorite person on the show right now. It really rubs me the wrong way that Nicki just felt like she could rename him. The man himself and everyone else in his life calls him by his real name, it's really shitty that she won't just because she doesn't like it. It feels icky to be so dismissive of a part of his identity. Ashley is just so extra, her drama is going to get really annoying super fast and right now it feels like she's being less flexible than Manuel. His compromise position was that Rico should just stay off the bed, but Ashley freaked out and said Rico should be on the bed if he wants to. And it feels at least a little bit like she gets a kick out of pushing his cultural buttons about the specific terminology around being a 'witch.' Manuel seemed at least to recognise that what she does isn't witchcraft in the common sense, he wasn't rejecting it outright.

Miranda R

Lol when I saw the titles for the episodes I went right to Prince 💜😆


I live in Buffalo, and I feel unwell knowing that 90 Day was filmed so close to home!! (And to confirm, the winter is definitely a hellscape here…)


ashley and miguel they will be fine

Rayana Gilbert

What about HOEVEMBER?! 🦃🍆🥵


My husband says she would be more a shaman rather than a witch… it would be another word

Cin S-T

Ashley needs to use the word Espiritualista. "Spritualist". It's a more general term for her being a so called witch.

Mother of Peaches

Mattress thing is REAL LOL team jasmine on this one 🤣🙌🏽

Elizabeth Marks

I loved Pushing Daisies!! So surprised Mattie didn't mention Kristin Chenowith and her Oklahoma connection.

Christine Cadena

I don’t think the reactions to Nicki are due to her trans status as much as it is her excessive amount of cosmetic/plastic surgery. She looks bizarre and that is what is probably turning Justin off.

Aida Flores

Nikki was on the podcast that Wondery did about the “There’a Something About Miriam” reality show! Nikki and Miriam were friends and lived together in New York after that show came out.

Elizabeth O’Connor

Listening to this in the future and loving the big brother commentary. Fuckin Bowie Jane!!!!