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Year and a half after the wedding ceremonies the participants dig into the drama that emerged from pods.



Nohemi Carreno

Can't wait to hear your take on this train wreck!

Val McCue

Houston needs to change their city motto to: “Smallest LARGEST Metropolitan City in the USA!” What a drag to bump into your exes while on a date or otherwise. Maybe go to another part of town?

Jay Lara

Can we just decide that mustaches are never a good face ornament?

Marcy Rodenborn

TOTALLY saw the Izzy weight loss. He looked noticeably smaller and twitchier

Marcy Rodenborn

Johnie is living in a rent free condo in Stacey’s head and I’m here for it. Johnie did apologize! She apologized on stage! How did you miss it!

Mina Friberg

My thoughts during the reunion: Izzy is cocaine skinny. Stacey is SATAN (and her dress looked awful). The whole thing was a PR circlejerk, especially when they had snipers just off camera and forced everyone to praise the way the producers mishandled the show. Lydia and Milton have reached unprecedented levels of delusion. Nick Lachey excusing JP’s behaviour is peak mediocre white man bonding. What a disaster.


Yes! I was like…”Izzy, u okay man” Skinny and fidgety.

Kirby Blair Drake

Saw that Milton and Lydia are now long distance. Milton in CA. Interesting…

Mina Friberg

Thank you! They also didn’t adress Stacey laughing at her when she walked out like the straight up bully she is


Yeah I noticed that immediately. Just confirmed that she's a 13 year old bully, so awful.


Stacy openly snickering at literally Johnie's mere presence on the stage when she walked out just solidified how awful she is, and that that is the real, consistent her. I'm so glad I wasn't in high school with Stacy, I bet she bullied/tortured a lot of her classmates (and never got called out on it, obviously).


There was a teaser for LIB UK! 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 Will the LaSHADES be traveling across the pond with us?


When Poodle calls Mattie “honey” - always kills me

Ali Balki

I’m waiting on Stacy to lose a tittie out of her stupid outfits

Amber Atkins

It's like this season Vanessa Lachey switched from being obsessed with babies to if people kissed. I was waiting for her to ask, "So who got herpes? come on, tell us!"

Marcy Rodenborn

Why would Johnie listen to Stacey just railing her for nothing? I’ve dealt with Queen Bees like Stacey - it doesn’t matter what you say, they’re gonna play the victim


My friends and I think Milton’s hair is a lace front bc where’s the hairline!


JP doesn't hate girls who wear makeup. He's just an abusive controlling asshole. He wanted to see how far he could get on day one, but Taylor was too smart.

Ebonie Porch

Listen as native Houstonian as big as it is everyone still knows everyone!!! My boyfriend is from California thank God lol

Jessica Pyper

Did anyone else feel like Milton was mansplaining to aaliyah

Jessica Pyper

Kind of how I felt as well. I know Mattie and poods don’t like Johnie, but they really need to send Izzy and Stacey some “you might want to process that” shirts, because clearly they haven’t.

Jennifer Moseley

I do couples therapy. Straight guys are holding strong to the “I like you better w no makeup.”

Jessica K

I think Charlotte would work really well in the sense that tons of people there aren’t from there/moved there for work/don’t know each other already. However … it would maybe not be the most interesting cast

Jessica K

Cleveland and Cincinnati everyone already knows each other so forget it lol


I have so many thoughts. I could not watch all the Uche stuff on the season or on the Reunion, so I may not have the full picture, so forgive me. 1). Were you guys saying that Milton and Lydia were putting on an act or that Lydia had manipulated Milton so well that he did not even know he was doing it? The latter would be more believable to me b/c at least based on the edit we saw he was not capable or interested in sugar coating/playing nice/social pragmatics! 2). I am glad Stacy loves her body and it would be good if more women did but her body type is not at all what all men or women desire in a woman. Where are the curves at??!!! My friends that I watch with are like so down on her look from clothing to make-up to, that Reunion jewelry--HID-EE-OUS. The dress was awful. Johnny's was the best of the lot I thought (maybe because Aaliyah's just disappeared from my mind cuz it was like beige, right? 3). Stacy had no problem saying Johnny was a shit person so why would she be restrained with others. She is horrible. 4). I thought Chris was awful. Gross. Did not repent in any way. 5). Definitely agree Izzy is still in love with Stacy. Also sadly has a substance abuse problem. I thought that's why he stopped being into Johnny when she told that story of her ex and drugs. I also thought his mom was subtly warning Stacy when they met and she said, "I worry about you too..." Izzy's mom loves him bu knows about the money issues, the drugs, etc... Obviously I don't KNOW any of this. As Kalani said recently we the audience do not KNOW these people, we can only conjecture from what we see in the edit. 6). Does anyone watch Dr. Kirk Honda Psychology in Seattle on YouTube? He said JP is an incel (don't know how to spell that) and that they characteristically do not like women to wear make-up and call them whores when they do. Worth a watch (LIB Season 5, episodes like 26-28-ish)

Jeida Mitchell

Vanessa and Nick are so bad at these. I’m amazed Lydia and Milton are together. Stacey aparently loves Tomi Lorhen so that tells me all I need to know. Also Johnnie looks exactly like the tall “evil stepsister” from A Cinderella Story and I can’t unsee it. I would have ignored Stacey talking too, because nothing she would say would be interesting or change my mind.

Asia B

Did anyone catch Stacy’s insta post after the reunion? lol also Izzy is definitely on that stuff ❄️


Or, “What IS hooking up,” is another Vanessa question. She seemed preoccupied with the technical side of sex. Lol

Kirby Blair Drake



This was one of the most boring shows I’ve watched in a long time. 🥱 I forced myself to finish it, just so I could listen to Mattie & Poodle’s commentary.


The Ultimatum season 2 filmed in Charolette NC - I think that’s what you are thinking of. I kept watching for y’all to cover it but alas…

Carey Addis

All season Stacey has insisted on wearing outfits that make her boobs look terrible and the reunion was no exception.

Carey Addis

But in Cincinnati you’d get people from Columbus, Dayton, Louisville applying. So that could be good.

Carey Addis

Stacey’s face when she found out Izzy kissed Johnnie was priceless! Johnnie gets under her skin so much and she can’t stand it because she’s a classic bully that has to win

Carey Addis

All season he had Shayne jaw going on. Always clenching and chewing. I always thought maybe he was on adderrall or something.

Maria Welch

It looks like they casted in Charlotte for Love is Blind around September 2022. The Ultimatum season that was just released was in Charlotte, so they may not want to have to Charlotte locations back-to-back.


Love is blind was casting in charlotte last September in addition to the ultimatum but I don’t know if love is blind was filmed 🤔 https://www.charlotteobserver.com/charlottefive/c5-around-town/article266484816.html


Johnnie is exactly like the evil stepsister now that you mention it omggggg! Lol


Lydia and Milton are full of shit. She’ll be the one to divorce him and will blame Milton for not being there for her. Sounds cynical, but this woman wanted to get married and she didn’t care who to.

Molly Kreutzfeldt

As an Iowan turned South Dakotan, I can affirm every contestant for Love is Blind "Iowa" would know someone's cousins brothers best friend's aunt.

Jennifer Riester

So true!!! Columbus people would come up to Cleveland and you would get Detroit people to come down.


My current BF always tells me I looked better with no makeup, which I have embraced and for the first time in probably 25yrs of even going to the mailbox fully made up, and feel comfortable now going out with none. I take it as such a compliment. And now when I wear makeup it’s like a treat for him - he can’t stop telling me how pretty I look with it on! 🤷🏻‍♀️

Mandy G

"Sometimes good people don't win." *DARCEY VOICE WOW*

Mary Scheske

Wait wait wait. Stacey and Daddy are literally Ed oneill and Julie Bowen from Modern Family and Closets Closets Closets? 🤣🤣🤣


I live in CLT and they definitely have been filming I’ve seen them, but you’re right it’s so small… so not sure if it’ll be a great season

Jessy Sanchez

Miami is nice, so I’ll say it thrice! 🎵

Suzanne P

They are casting for Love is Blind Denver right now!

Maggie Medina

Luckily I married one of the good native Houstonians 💙 but my friend’s dating stories are BLEAK. Also, Stacey is one of my friend’s sisters and she filmed! She said they saw right through Izzy as soon as they met him and also think Stacey knew she was going to say no after the first talk of finances came up. I’ve never met her but from everything I’ve heard she is exactly how she was on the show. And one more thing…Izzy’s new gf is one of my husband’s ex girlfriends (from high school I think?). So don’t be mad I really don’t have any tea haha but just reiterating how small Houston really is!!! The social scene at least.

Megan S

We need a Love is Blind Philadelphia! Talk about messy. And Delco accents.

Amy Diehl

Nick LaSHADE!!! 😂😂😂 He was ROASTING them

Amy Diehl

It's not cynical, she literally said IN HER VOWS "I loved you because you picked me" 😫😫