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Sharae's secret is revealed; Redd sees an old flame; Bri and Kerok clash over priorities.



Breanna K. Williams

Sharae is awful. She was so disappointed they had a mature conversation. She absolutely wanted a confrontation and that’s why she didn’t tell Anthony Rich was going to be there.

Breanna K. Williams

Beauty Shop was a spin off from Barber Shop 🤭

Bab Veto

I’m with Mattie and 100 percent on Kerok’s side. Britney is being so codependent and screwing up her education. She’s doing something he didn’t ask for and said he doesn’t want. Her claiming it’s because of religion is garbage and then doing brunch and tilk toks with her friend the next minute showed what a bunch of BS it was. Kerok taking the initiative and calling that place for a job is so positive. I could see him dumping her because she will be too clingy.


She totally wanted them to fight over her,& cause a scene at the party. It’s so beyond shitty to wish that on someone who is on parole. Someone she supposedly loves

Callum Roper

You 100% need a prescription for testosterone. It's considered a controlled substance. I was surprised they did his shot in the arm; my doctor said the thigh was a better injection site.

Amber Atkins

I just Googled shut up in Italian it's exactly what Donna said 😂 I don't think I'm going to say it any other way now

Brenna Parhad

If Redd is going down on her for 2 hours, he’s not doing it right

Cin S-T

Annoying to hear about 90 day's episode when it hasn't aired yet

Maddie Jewett

Why was I irritated by Mattie squeaking in his chair but completely unbothered and laughed my ass off when he burped into the mic? 😂

Cristina DL

Look the boys are just excited to be together they didnt mean to spoil it

AnitaBonghit 69

The ol' quadruple negative "I ain't never took no shower with nobody before" -Joynomi


If someone was doing it properly, I’d have no problem whatsoever with getting my 🐈 eaten for 2+ hours 🤷‍♀️


Yes!! I was confused and thought maybe I missed an episode. Hahaaa


So sorry you got a double whammy, getting sick like that, Poodle. That sucks so much; I can’t even imagine. ❤️‍🩹🤧🤒♥️


I need a T-shirt that says ‘Debbie Cakes….they go everywhere Nothing like a jumpsuit 🎶’

Deja Bleu

NGL.... working on my XMAS newsletter via CANVA 😂😹🤣🤩🎄😁 it's great... LOL

Deja Bleu

Hahahaha Barber shop Beauty shop 😹... .

Amy Diehl

Sharae & Anthony are a perfect example of someone who was in prison is still a better person than someone who isn't!!!