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Jake's  takeover this week brings us Kara Berry of "Everyone's Business (But Mine)" podcast, where  they expressed a unified disdain for tonight's  Plathville's episode.

They also gush over  the "Twin Flames"  (two separate documentaries)   talked  a little about "Seeking Sister Wives", where they originally bonded a while back and of course the OG of them All, "Sister Wives"

Oh and yeah, Plathville too--- Find out who Kara was describing as "Elvira for Shein".

Find out more about Kara Berry here:



Barry and Ethan have a heart-to-heart. Olivia takes a trip to get some clarity on her marriage. Moriah crashes boys' weekend and comes face to face with Ethan for the first time in nearly a year. Ken pops an unexpected question to Kim.



Lala B

Kara Berry for the win!

Carey Addis

I listened to another pod that thinks Olivia is a narcissist with all her boundaries. They are so happy Ethan is “standing up for himself”. I no longer listen to that podcast because it makes me sick to hear anyone defending the Plaths. How could anyone see Olivia as anything other than a normal human surviving a cult? Thank you RGs for “effing the Plaths”!

Candy Beck

FYI Barry and Kim are still married as of today


Safe to assume Poodle’s hatred of Jenga comes from the exact same place as his hatred of balloons??? 😅 PS can’t WAIT for you to watch Mother God! It’s 100% bonkers

Jennifer Moseley

As far as the Twin Flames doc goes..not going to lie there are many cults I could see myself falling into (except NVIXM or whatever. I would never play volleyball) Twin Flames was a pretty flimsy concept. Do better!

Super Nova

My snarky queens!🙌🏾 Moriahs "job stuff" is the show😅

Raquel Gitch

Lydia the Step Mom??!! 😂🤣

Shelley Harriott

Umm everyone is lashing out at Olivia bc they can’t lash out at momma Plath. They can’t express how angry they are at her behavior.

Lois Molina

That’s ridiculous that a pod would put all of the blame on Olivia. Ethan isn’t standing up for himself. He wants a “kept” wife and is mad that she’s self aware.

Kathleen wallace

Re Twin Flames discussion- not wanting to leave because you’ve wasted so much time or money - that’s the sunk cost fallacy. It’s a trap people fall into. It’s also a tactic used in social engineering (cyber engineer here)

Jennifer Riester

Love me some extra Kara!!!! Also, can't handle Jenga for all the reasons Poodle mentioned. Would add, maybe it's a Libra thing too - we like things balanced and Jenga is just waiting for things to become unbalanced, our Libra souls can't handle it. Mother God is so bonkers!


Escaping Twin Flames walked so Love Has Won (Mother God) could run. I needdd Poodle &/or Mattie’s feedback on that doc. I can’t stop thinking about it!


Just finished I am Mother God. It’s crazy!!!!

Carey Addis

That one chic takes notes on everything mom does …..I can’t wait to hear Poodle rant about the spelling errors.

Julia Facey

This was the best of the collabs. Poodle and Kara have a natural ease and great chemistry. Not to say the other collaborations were bad they didn’t flow as naturally as this did.


Who knew there were so many ways to misspell Marilyn Monroe?!


It also explains so much about Sister Wives…

Carey Addis

Love all this cult show talk. The cult I grew up in was the ICOC. Featured most recently in a Rolling Stones article. But most of the bad press was in the 90s: Barbara Walters, Seventeen magazine, BBC, etc. But people didn’t really understand back then how subtle a cult could be, that a cult doesn’t have to produce mass suicides to be dangerous. There are so many different modes of coercive control. I love that people are so interested in exposing them now.


Came here to say this but you already said it so well

Jess Marie

Poodle! I went on a couple of dates with a guy with a thumb ring. I tried really hard to get past it, but it gave me the ick and I just couldn't do it. Had to cut him off after 3 dates.

Elizabeth Keene

Ok, is it just my version of this that loses audio around 30 mins in???