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Chantel gets shady news about Pedro and his family.  Russ and Pao's baby is ready to make his debut.

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AnitaBonghit 69

I don't want Karen to be right, but Miss Obed basically said Lydia is scamming aka harvesting the American dollar through her dating ring 🤔


Mattie come down to Orange County and hold my baby any time! I need a break 😂.


The opera conversation made me want to nominate Real Housewives of Miami for the December Bi-curious. But I also just listened to you all say you don't like doing Housewives episodes. Maybe an Opera Corner?


Poodle, are you just now figuring out that Chantel is a moron? 😜

Lois Molina

I don’t know about Pedro and Chantal. Their need to please their families ruined their relationship. Neither one of them act like they know how to navigate life. Their next partners are going to face the same nonsense unless they put a stop to it. I’m glad that show is over.

Amy Diehl

Do the Watch a Longs disappear after the actual podcast is posted??? I wanted to watch it but didn't have time yesterday & I came on here this morning & the watch a long was gone... Carl????

Reality Gays

the watchalongs are available at the Smorgasbord tier and it never disappears! -Cristina

Amy Diehl

Hmmm weird, I saw it yesterday but not today. I am on the Whole Enchilada tier so maybe that's why. Thank you!! We ❤️ you

Reality Gays

please refresh your feed, and you will see the beautiful smirk of Karen. So sorry about that! -Cristina

Carey Addis

We heard Lydia say she was looking for an American husband. I believe she 100% wanted Pedro to marry an American. I believe she wants to set up her green card lawyer business in the US. As soon as he got his green card they turned on Chantel. She started pushing her business. She started asking Pedro to bring her to the US. I do believe that she manipulated and created situations for Pedro to meet American women. I don’t think she targeted Chantel specifically. I don’t think their marriage was fake or a scam to Pedro. I don’t think he knew her plans. I think Lydia talked to Pedro about setting up her business after he was married. I think she’s a terrible mom that manipulated her son and then used his immigration status for her own gain. Then created problems in his marriage once she didn’t need Chantel anymore. I think Pedro is just as much of a victim of his mother as Chantel is. I think Lydia is a sociopath.

Carey Addis

My husband told me, after I gave birth to his 4th 9lb baby, that it was harder on him to watch and be supportive for 18 hours then it was for me because I got a real hospital bed and he had to sleep on the guest couch. And he was serious.

Mandy G

I most definitely screamed “get it out!” with my first born. I think probably every woman does at some point! 🤣


There's no emoji on earth that can do this justice.


After X # of hours of labor I said, "I am done, I can't do this. Let's go home." But I wasn't kidding. Those of you who have been there know that I was completely serious.


For the Holidays all I can sing is "Every Gift Begins With Gay!"


Were you able to finalize the divorce after yeeting him into the sun?