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Tayler confronts Chance about mystery texts; Shavel's shower explodes; Blaine confesses.



Claire Pancerz

I want you queens to know I didn’t even remember this was a holiday weekend until you told us why LALU was going to be late! (Do I need to pay more attention??)

Rachelle Radosevich

There is no Italian version of Justin, just like there is no Italian version of Tyler

Hannah Goralewicz

I screamed and woke my dog up when Daddy’s Box made its appearance again!

Jenny Caldwell

Kudos to matt for pronouncing hauppauge correctly. fact no one will care about that’s the hometown of Lori Loughlin. -sincerely, former resident of Hauppauge lol


Weren’t Mikey and Chelsea supposed to be on this season?

Deja Bleu

I think that Kerok is still a teenager emotionally and does not have the emotional maturity he thinks he does.... He is being the man he knows unfortunately his Dad

Bab Veto

Is it possible that Tater ends up being the smartest woman on this show? No marriage. Didn’t have him adopt her kids. Didn’t put Chance on the deed. Girl may have the last laugh! Only thing is her house is now in need of a full makeover. The one thing she did do that was dumb was quit her job as a payroll clerk.

AnitaBonghit 69

Wrestling attire must be in because Britney always looks like a mixture of Randy Macho Man Savage and that guy who's schtick was a corny looking pimp, The Godfather. Butty is Jamaican slang for ass or gay

Claire Pancerz

I think every time Kerok is stressed (meeting Abuela) over something out of his control, he picks a fight as a distraction. It’s crappy behavior and he needs to address it, but that’s what I think all this stop-the- car and fighting over random things is.

Alexis Rosen

Omg LOVE stubs bbq sauce!


Nerd alert: An Isthmus is a narrow piece of land that connects two larger land masses. Example: Isthmus of Panama


Poodz- as a fellow true crime fan, wouldn't you want someone trustworthy (?Matty) who would have your phone password (just in case you should have an unfortunate accident)?


In relation to Justine & what’s-his-name, I have a question. Is it a myth or a real thing, that women are not allowed to fly after a certain point in their pregnancy? Is that a thing or just recommended? Was Justine & M-rapper guy (I ff through their segments, so I don’t remember his name)…were they flying or driving to LV? I can’t see them driving an entire basketball team of their kids cross-country, and I thought you weren’t supposed to fly if your due date was within a certain time frame. So maybe this is all fraudacity and a fake storyline the moving-not moving plot?

Ashley Delzeit

Mattie, “Good For Her” is my favorite genre of horror movies!! 🤌🏻 Carrie, Midsommar, Pearl, Jennifer’s Body, The Witch, etc.

Lois Molina

Why is Justine bending over backwards for Michael. I have a feeling that he’s used to being the Kiss the Ring type of man. The way his mother and sister act towards him, he’s used to women doing what he wants and supporting him no matter what. I don’t feel he’s the same with them. And I’ve been saying this since the beginning, they are painfully immature and irresponsible. I want THEM off my too. They can take Earl Pitt with them!


Chance is in prison! I sent Mattie the article.


Rizzo didn’t have an abortion, she wasn’t pregnant, she got her period.


My friend I still quote Carrie lines to each other ( esp related to dirty pillows!)


I don’t feel like Kerok is doing these things intentionally. I think they really do love each other, and are great when it’s good, but BAD when it’s bad. They both need a lot of work and therapy, I don’t think either even realize what they’re doing. Kerok is struggling internally with his transness. Not bc he’s a trans man but bc it’s still hurtful when someone (b’s family) dislikes him bc of it. I like them both and want the best for them. I just hope they get the therapy they need and do the work! Edit say, look at Bobby in the little flashbacks they do compared to Bobby now. There’s a difference for sure:(


I just died at the pet semetary reference! 🤣

Amber Atkins

Carrie had telekinesis

Chelsea Sims

when Mattie said “OH SHES MAGIC?!” about Carrie, that had me cackling

Elizabeth Marks

I work in Hauppauge and did training in FL. No one could pronounce it even after I did. One person called it "hoponalog". 😂

em shum

Those stubbs BBQ puff chips are SO GOOD. They have them here in Washington State so there might be hope for CA

Chrissy Christman

Late to the party but Rizzo didn’t have an abortion. Fans speculate. But as it’s written, it’s merrily a false alarm.

Jeida Mitchell

Finally catching up. Mike and Justina are some of the most selfish parents I’ve witnessed. Everything they do is about them.