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Kerok learns about Bri's past; Redd confesses; Shavel's mom stands her ground.



Amber Cofer

Me! 🙋🏾‍♀️ I want “Shimmer Down” merch


“Went broke for tits & a tow truck” is the RG country-western single we need

Ashley Janes

Our Burger King just closed and it did cause a debate in my own household.

Bab Veto

Anyone else think they saw Blaine naked in that footage? My heart stopped for a second!

Bonnie Southard

Matt!! honey!! I just figured out the bunkie thing too just now thanks yall 🤪 🤣😘


I’m watching the episode now, Michael has me FUMING!!! I used to like him, but I feel so bad for his kids. Melody coming to him about moving with them and him shooting it down pretty much, it made it seem like SHE was the inconvenience or something.☹️ And putting the responsibility of her pretty much being the parent to her younger brother. The next generation of parentified children.

Dara Medina

Blivid should be added to the Oxford English Dictionary. I will die on this hill.

Missy Fuller

I would buy that shirt!!!! Please make it

Bab Veto

Why did Sean leave his job at the car dealership? He’s probably someone who would be a good worker but a terrible business owner. It’s not for everyone.


Why did Keroc 's Brittany not write her grandmother while she was in jail ? Hell half these prisoners meet their mate thru letters.

Lisa Little

More and more I dislike Sarah! How dare she think Sean shouldn’t be taking care of his kids and that 1,000 is enough monthly !! And Sean is still gross lying to them all. And why aren’t we asking how Michael is affording a $4,000 a month mortgage plus rent plus 8 kids plus …


Shimmer down is how Sean Connery would pronounce it

Cecilia Adams

Mattie! B.W. Stevenson was the original singer of “My Maria”. 1973. He wrote the song. You’re too young to know hahaha. I’m an old woman!

Missy Fuller

I don’t know what you’d call it, it some sort of lock up math, that math ain’t mathin


He’s got to have gone back to his old ways, right..?? The dude is ageing like a president, too. Yike


It was Redd’s cousin and his sister


Mattie how could you like Sarah this episode? She clearly doesn’t care about Sean’s kids and has no idea what to takes to provide for one since she’s never done it before. Both of them are idiots and deserve each other.

Val McCue

How is Sarah going to reach the pedals of that tow truck?!

Bab Veto

Of course Melissa is an anti vaxer and would sue because her daughter wants to do her practical hours for her nursing degree at a nursing home UNVACCINATED! Can you imagine if your mother was in this nursing home and this was going on??? https://starcasm.net/life-after-lockup-melissa-sues-daughters-school-over-covid-vaccine-requirement/

Bab Veto

I also don’t know why she can’t get a job of some sort to help out.

Lois Molina

Justine’ s mother is probably giving them money. Their first season, the mother mentioned that she was the one financially taking care of Justine and her kids.


Front of tee “don’t tell me to shimmer down” On the the back “I’m going to continue to be me” 🤍


Happy 2 year heaven anniversary Papa Marr!!!

Jennifer Riester

Michael was totally trying to encourage Melody to stay and take care of her brother. I think they have different moms which is why Mason couldn't also move. I was enraged by that scene.

Sheila Leigh

I can not believe she even did that. You can tell she’s still recovering from the TT, she’s bent forward!! Unbelievable, she probably should not even be driving at all.

Shelley Harriott

This enraged me too. She obviously wants time with her dad. Way to parentify your daughter… 🙄

Val McCue

Right?! I’ve had had two c-sections, and I had to be driven for post-op checkups. If my husband told me I have to learn how to operate a towing truck, I’d slap him with divorce papers.


Justine prioritizing her kids over his... Always


Yall are letting Mike and Justine off to easy.. lol .. Poodle over here saying “oh I guess I didn’t pay attention” while Mike tells his daughter she has to care for his son ! Lmfao 🤣

Sandra Munoz

I screamed YES in the car for a Shimmer Down T-shirt

Enjoli Pickett

This right here! She sounds like my ex’s wife who thinks I’m living off their $389 a month for my 15 year old. It doesn’t even cover her food, sports or braces 🙄

Bea Castillo

What level Patreon to see Mattie in costume WERKIN'?!

Elizabeth Donaway

Ok, once again Mattie and Poodle were there for me! Went thru a break up this weekend….my choice but it still stung (when a person shows you who they are, believe them). I have listened to this episode (and others) all weekend and woke up today feeling good about myself! You guys and the Sissy community are LIFE to me!!! And I NEED a Shimmer Down T-Shirt!!!!

Cin S-T

Yes yes!! The look on Mike's face when she asked to live with them was like "nah. You gotta stay in RI" He was an a-hole to her in moment, it felt very dismissive to me how his child was asking for his affection and attention, and he has other priorities so she needs to wait.

Enjoli Pickett

Matt that murder story, I was not ready for that. Holy crap! I’m thankful you don’t live in Oklahoma anymore.

Starr D

Peter was the first Pope. “The disciple whom Jesus loved…”