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A shocking event puts three participants in a difficult position. As one pair opens up about their childhoods, another takes their bond to the next level.

Episode upload as of 6:00PST - so very sorry for that, sissies! 

The episode should be correct now- Cristina




Is it just me or is this ep 1 again?

Megan Henrich Buyer

Yeah I REALLY need to hear episode 2 discussion

Cristina DL

Fixing it… sorry bout that!


Sarah Ann is Kelly Dodd. Convince me otherwise!

Reality Gays

please refresh your feed sissies and let me know- this is my bad... sorry bout that y'all!- Cristina

Carey Addis

Fun fact: Carmen Electra and Nick Lachey went to high school together, at the performing arts school in Cincinnati.

Christy Jackson

WHY won't they show us the footage of Matthew's time with Amber? That is making me worry that this is SERIOUSLY manipulated by the producers.

Carey Addis

It’s a sad irony that Jessica looks way more like Megan Fox than Chelsea ever could.

Lisa Paulk

They could give us 10 episodes in the pods and we would eat it up.

Alyssa Holland

It’s interesting to me that Mattie feels unsafe about Matthew and not Clay. My reaction was the opposite - I felt that Clay was at a minimum emotionally abusive and made me really anxious. I’m an AuDHD gal, and I absolutely see ASD traits in Matthew, but I also see potential NPD traits. I am often snowed by narcissists because I want to understand them and give people the benefit of the doubt, so I feel confused about whether or not his behavior can improve. Narcissists who go to therapy just learn more weapons, they don’t often get “better.” I’d be curious to know how he has changed since seeing a therapist.

Heather Zoltak

Jerome is giving me A.A. Ron from key and peele. Lol


thank you for fixing it sissy Cristina!

Lexie Soprano

omg poodle my 7th grade math teacher was j. ramey! i was about to lose it at the beginning of your anecdote

Jennifer Moseley

Not to brag, but I got told I look like Ruth Buzzi. Yeah.

Lexie Soprano

i’m not southern but my family situation with the adoption and death and previous marriages and half siblings and step siblings is just as complicated as jimmy’s (probably more) and the council of confusing family trees has spoken it is not offensive. sometimes i even need my own

Julie K

It would have been delicious to watch Matthew say the same shit to Amber and then slow burn til poor AD found out. Whither editors?

Tricia theisen

"I got 7 hours of sleep last night & I am furious." I laughed out loud at the one, Poodle.

Jennifer Riester

No mention of the most awful rendition of We Three Kings this tone deaf sissy has ever heard???? 🤣 AD and Amber handling Matthew was female relationships goals - so many times they would've gone after each other instead of realizing he was the problem all along!


I don’t know how many people watched LIB Sweden, but Matthew just less effectively attempted the Sergio strategy. He was really weird and off putting with all of the women except one or two, so that when everyone had the record scratch moment at someone saying they liked him that woman feels special & lucky because she ‘really saw him’ or he was ‘different with her.’ Once he roped in that woman and got her to really narrow down her options, he gaslit her about any concerns she had about what he was saying to other women that didn’t line up. Except it didn’t work because white Amber walked away too soon.

Jessica K

I think its interesting that in past seasons there’s usually been a love triangle as the sort of “A story” and while there are multiple love triangles here I feel moreso like AD is the main character and it’s her story


Random but Italians also celebrate 3 kings day (I feel like because of the Roman Catholicism) and I grew up having to leave our Christmas tree up until 1/6. It’s also a holiday for us called La Befana aka the good witch and I would get a present from family/“good witch” lol

Val McCue

Chelsea looks more like Liz Phair than Meghan Fox

Kirby Blair Drake

Chelsea looks more like a less fancy version of Kathryn Dennis from Southern Charm to me.


There’s two types of fix-a-hos, one for fuckbois and one for serial killer types. AD is unfortunately both. I would choose Matthew over Clay because I’m personally a serial killer fix-a-ho. 😭

Lily C

Yeah Matthew give me a touch of the neurospicy vibes. Not an excuse for his behavior(never is) but def an explanation. It would explain his issues around socializing, the lists, all that. He reminds me of teens I used to work with, maybe he’s on the wrong Netflix dating show 😅


No wasnt it an add for the love is wine


Love is wine

Alisha Dawes

I work with autistic people and thought Matthew was autistic from the start. I cringed when the other men were making fun of him. I see how he may be coming off as “weird” or “rude”…but I think he’s just a guy living in a world made for “typical” people. Would love to hear from the autistic community on this one.


My husband is Autistic and I also wondered about Matthew from the jump. My heart breaks for AD and Amber.. If nothing else, this makes me extra thankful my husband is in therapy to improve our communication. Neurodivergent/typical relationships can be wonderful, but they take a lot of fucking work.


Add people who went to private and parochial schools as people who know all the words to Christmas songs! 🙋🏽‍♀️

Sandy Zickur

Trevor is giving me bulked up David Eason vibes and I can’t shake it!

Judy Molnar

His dad sang it to him all the time yet he got the words so wrong 😂


I cannot keep any of these people straight yet.

Renee Gibson

I wonder if they’re saving the Matthew and Amber recordings until the reunion.


Trevor reminds me of the guy in the 80s show Wise Guy that probably no one has heard of. But not as cute.


No not David Eason! That man is literally satan. I like Trevor so far I don’t want to picture that lol

Natalie New

I had to have an outpatient procedure today and I’m at home recovering. My partner asked me if I was gonna listen to “my gays” - of course! Y’all are making my recovery so much easier. Thank you so much for the laughter… It makes the healing go faster! KGQ! 🥰💜

Natalie New

My oldest kiddo is autistic (and truly high-functioning - did a lot of work with him growing up and he has his masters degree and works in the clinic with children that are on the spectrum and is successfully living on his own 🎉❤️). I would love to have him watch these first two episodes with me and ask what he thinks.

J Moore

I was also thinking about him as possibly ND or anxiety. He has certain traits that remind me of my husband (nd, anxiety, ptsd, adhd). But he was very awful at the end. He was very clear about caring how he is portrayed on the television show. Not good.

Grascen Shidemantle

Watching this episode I kept hearing y’all say “southern stories are sad!” 😭

Allyson Kuegel

Now that you talked about Jimmy’s adopted sister situation, I feel like there was something like that in my hometown (in NC!). That family upped and moved after the adopted sister set their house on fire. Maybe they moved to Randalman 👀👀


I definitely don’t want to conflate Matthew’s potential neurodivergence with him just straight up being an asshole. The autism spectrum is incredibly diverse. My longtime partner has Asperger’s and would never act how Matthew is acting. He is incredibly kind and loyal, and I don’t see that in Matthew. TLDR yes, Matthew is probably neurodivergent. No, that isn’t why he’s an asshole lol

Laura Vega

It explains why he would “copy/paste” statements to both women. If it worked once, it will work again.

Amanda Schnitzlein

LIB recaps might be my favorite 💗 altso… hearing the name johnny just brings me back to season 5 🤣 here comes Johnie

Ketchup Flynn

Matthew has Sweet James vibes (for the LA sissies)


#saveamanda from raising the baby in that apartment.

Charmaine-Joan DePaepe

As an autistic person (AuDHD actually) Matthew seems like one of us

Charmaine-Joan DePaepe

I’m autistic and I think Matthew is as well. Ppl like us are bound to get eaten alive by the NT reality show lens and it really hurts (but isn’t at all surprising) to see how his actions are being interpreted

Nicole Winchester

Thank you this! Some of us ND folks work very hard to NOT be an asshole and it's frustrating when men (because it's always men) are let off the hook with a potential diagnosis. You still choose how you interact with other humans. I could also be as manipulative as Matthew (or as Jimmy tries to be later) but I likewise choose to be better. Matthew chooses to be trash and he still will be trash of he comes back. He'll play wounded bird tho and people will buy it.


I love Southern Stories bc they remind me of my parent's African Stories that always end with something crazy like "and that's why your grandpa whistles through his left eye!"

Caroline Dickie

I’ve been pronouncing it “jer-amy” too 😆. My husband’s aunt’s name is spelled “Danielle” but pronounced “Duhneal”. Wtf???

Camille Harris

The more I listen to Poodle, the more I feel seen ("I need someone to stop me" "kind but not nice").


Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I’m an SLP that works with children who are ND. It’s amazing how I’ve seen the manipulative behavior of the males at my school being overlooked as “well he has Autism.” The girls are never given that grace. And with Matthew, he reeks of having his White make privilege showing.


I think editors are listening - they built this episode for you! I cackled the whole damn time 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Love y’all! #southernstories 🫶🏼


LIB is hands-down my fave recaps y’all do. Giving me life!!! (Also my fave theme song, gets stuck in my head for days lol)

Jeida Mitchell

Why did we not see Matthew and Amber’s interaction when he’s so into her that he quit the show to be like “I’m going to go get amber.” Like what?


I think Chelsea looks a lot like Joan Cusack.

Kennedy Curlz

i was thinking this was SOOO southern of Brittany to graphically describe the death while saying "and that's how she passed away"


Jeramey has been "Jer-AH-me" in our house since he appeared on screen lmaooo

Tracy & her cats

Matthew reminds me of my adult son who i believe is on the spectrum.

Amy Diehl

Ok why the hell is Chelsea telling people what she looks like?? Girl that's not what we're here for!!! Also when Michael Douglas played Gordon Gecko he was SUCH A DADDY 😍😍