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90 DAY: The Single Life 0409 “Tyray Shoots His Shot”

Tyray meets another potential love match in New Orleans. John feels unsure about his future with Meghan. Natalie goes to a fertility clinic. Debbie's son, Julian, meets Ruben for the first time.

Tyray: 27:00

John: 40:36

Debbie: 45:51

Nuttalie: 52:12

Musical and Theater sissies, let's support Poodle's show!

Here's how you can donate to the theater company--- check out the link for more details!


LA sissies altso have the perks of meeting the boys at a performance, again, this is for Los Angeles and other surrounding areas.

See ya there--March 23rd! 



Pauline S


Pauline S

WHAT A FUCKING NERD. I just opened the app and I’ve never gotten to say that 🤣🤣🤣 💞 you!

Hannah Harvey

Did anyone notice that Tyray’s date was wearing the beads first and then they magically appeared on him?

Ariana Guzman

OMG those eyelashes!!! She was about to fly away 😆 also can Tyray please be less thirsty?!

Mandy G

Poodle, I've got some stuff I need you to manifest for me!!!!

Cris Sanchez

Jake, Natalie’s mom reminds me of Hilary’s mom on Expats.

Erica Garcia

I laughed so hard at Miss Debbie she’s over there twirling and painting her name like a toddler and the grown ups are talking about her. Her son is in constant fight or flight poor guy. And THANK YOU I agree 100% I don’t want to know the backstage tea about LIB let me have my trash and characters as is.

Robin black

HA! Before poodle answered the roommate question, I thought, “he needs the single version of me as his new neighbor. Cynical 51 year old who travels out of town constantly,’and when she is home, she reads and watches TV quietly.”

Katrina Coley

I'm screaming about this neighbor story!!! Love it!!!

Jennifer Riester

Me, I could be Poodle's neighbor 🤣 Side note - I went to the Madonna concert in Cleveland and Plain Jane made an appearance during Vogue. I didn't know it was her until at the end of the number Madonna thanked her.


When poodle said “no one can be worse” about his upstairs neighbor I immediately thought “what if Dahmer moved in?”

Michele Molina

I laugh so hard at hey riva, want a wrench? every time. I say it around my house.

Brittney Gonsalves

Not me thinking poodle killed his neighbor

AnitaBonghit 69

Like a wish from a genie that you didn't ask for exactly the right way, of course Rob & Sophie are also gonna be on HEA with Ashley and Manuel

AnitaBonghit 69

After re-listening to the most recent YMME or something like that, I realized they killed Pee-wee Herman and I don't think they know it was them yet.. they're powerful 😬


Calling POODLE and ALL WITCHY SISSIES- I need ur magic and intentions for my husband who got that fake cancer…he has surgery is soon. I ask you send alllll the good vibes towards him. Im a total di@kpig for him 😂 but seriously, we are only 40 and this is a total shock. Thank you all! Love this show and all the sissies. You make me laugh every day ❤️💕

Val McCue

We’re manifesting a speedy recovery and remission 🙏🏽 Stay strong Sissy LadyPeif!

Val McCue

I like Debbie but her son it’s a big “no from me, dawg”… ugh! Agree with Poodle he comes across as thirsty to be on TV - this isn’t the show COPS! Debbie is an adult and she can do whatever she wants, and get swindled if she damn pleases, she’s not a child, and she doesn’t seem to have dementia or Alzheimer’s, he needs to stop taking her senior citizen autonomy!

Cher W

Natalie & Mom are turning into Grey Garden Apartment.

Candy Beck

In a decade we will see Poodle doing commercials for psychic readings

ashley mignella

How dare you skip over pittsburgh, Pa!! They protect us women over hur!!!

Laura Deabay

Someone hire that relationship lady from love on the spectrum for Tyray. She has the kind of patience and understanding he needs!


Why doesn’t poodle move to the top floor? Then HE can torment his downstairs neighbour!

Val McCue

She’s my favorite shady queen this season! I need to hear Poodle’s thoughts on Plasma.


Wait. Is 2-3X a week vacuuming a lot? I have never vacuumed less than 1x a day in my entire life, even when I lived alone.


Poodz- don’t fuck your neighbour! I believe I’ve heard you quote “ Moonstruck “- don’t shit where you eat💩❤️


Why don’t you move to the top floor, Poodz ( or perhaps too concerned re people below complaining re gentlemen callers visiting late at night)??!

Katherine Rea

Im 💯 with poodle on tyray. He’s so desperate it’s not cute at all, he’s just trying to see how much he can get from each of these women

Breanna K. Williams

Hiring a sex worker for Tyray is the most humane thing that could be done. He should not be allowed to mingle in the wilds of dating until he's been handled by a professional.


*manifesting* those seattle presale tickets! I’ll never forgive myself for missing you queens here last time, all bc i had a stupid bachelorette party to attend.


Not to be a carls wife, but wasn’t Scott evans in Barbie? And he’s Chris evans’ brother? Or is this just a v common/generic name?

Caroline V

Tyray needs a reality check about women… the way he puts the p on a pedestal is crazy and somewhat misogynistic. Like he acts like women are these mystical creatures. We’re just people! Just talk to me like a human being and not think that all of us are just a hole for u to stick it in.. tyray isn’t ugly he is heavy but there are PLENTY of women who don’t mind that. I like em soft in the middle myself lol his problem is he doesn’t care to actually get to know women! And he has 0 swag/confidence.

Caroline V

Annnnd poodle just said this almost EXACTLY as soon as I hit post 😂

Cris Sanchez

Jake’s new neighbor needs to be a pilot who flies to Asia and is out of town at least 3 or 4 days of the week.

Carey Addis

I thought it was common knowledge that Chanel was a spy FOR the Nazi’s. She was a known anti-Semite. I’ve read a couple books about her and always wondered why the rich and famous support her brand. She was not a great human being.

Katherine Rea

Poodle’s relationship with his hypothetical neighbor is giving Edgar Allen Poe. Driven to madness by the rapping and tapping above, he walls him up in the chimney in a fit of rage 😂

Reality Gays

Plasma is extremely talented! I want to see a little more versatility though (insert top/bottom joke here)


I have not listened to the episode and first read this as Chantel.

Amy Diehl

Y'all really cracked me up in this episode!!!! I love your JAWN impression. "I need my car fixed, where's RIVAH?" 😂😂

Ketchup Flynn

The only appropriate neighbor above Poodle is Dorian Corey

Ben Koutsopoulos

Poodle needs a hard of hearing elderly woman who can't hear the screaming, doesn't approve of gays so she is nice to him but doesn't want to stop and chat. All poodle has to deal with is hearing the golden girls played at max volume from 630pm - 7pm

Carey Addis

I think Rob and Sophie are HEA replacements for Angela and Michael now that Michael has run away from from her.

Holly Schwarzmann

Quiet, single, night-owl librarian here…should I move in above Poodle? 😂


I totally agree that Tyray needs to be with a professional before he can date, but I feel like he’s built these “milestones” up so much he wouldn’t fall for the one off SW hookup unfortunately. Like maybe could makeout and get to second base, but I think he’d get spooked about it being “perfect” and not go all the way. So they’d need to buy a few sessions 😂

Nita Dy

Yaaasss Mattie!!! Preach!!! I’m president of “got pregnant by the one you hate” club 😬🤣