Oh Snow Good (Patreon)
Friday morning we drove up to Mount Charleston to enjoy the fresh snow. I’m not sure what it is about snow, but I just love it so much. Growing up in Amarillo, we got pretty heavy snowfall it seemed at least once per year until I was in my 20s. I remember a few times where we had well over a foot or two, and living on an acre and a half of land out in the kinda country made it feel so magical. We had a couple really big trees that lost some big limbs during some of the snow storms. One of them almost fell on my friend and me once! I remember we stood there staring at it because we had just been playing in that area. And maybe the reason I love snow is because that was when I really got to enjoy being a kid. It was such a treat to get to stay home from school, usually have no responsibilities because the snow wasn’t planned, and we usually had friends over during those times. Snow time brought play time - exploring, building, bundling up in clothes I otherwise didn’t get to wear often, riding the sled hitched to my dad’s big blue Ford truck, while calm and quiet all around. It’s not often that peaceful and playtime go so well together.
So I guess as I typed this, I now know at least partly why I love the snow. It’s both predictable and full of possibility. 💗
Full photoset will be posted in 2 min for those tiers. 📸