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I’ve fallen into a pretty nice groove with how I spend my time. When I’m in LA, I work about half the days I’m there and the other days I get to just enjoy the other people in the house or doing things around the area. When I’m at home, since I’m not really doing freelance jobs anymore, I get to enjoy the hell out of my time in the house! And obviously, that usually include me being naked or close to it most of the time.

This was my last full day at home and I’m pretty sure I was naked the entire day aside from having to be out of the house for a couple hours. I prepped dinner before I had to run errands and then cooked when I got back. I know not everybody loves to be naked that much, but for me, it’s when I feel the most me. :)

As I was doing the dishes, I realized how funny it probably looks that I was just in my slippers and dishwashing gloves 😅 so I asked JD to take a picture and this is what we got!




The cleverly placed lens flare😆


Candid, relaxed shot. Glad to see you more comfortable and having fun