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This is one of the most beautiful sets I have shot in years. I can't even describe the beauty of this tree or its magnificence when seen in person. This tree is over 250 years old, having been planted around the 1740s. Seeing how clean the area was kept was very refreshing. I wish we would have had time to go back and spend more time in this lovely place instead of just shooting there. I was also seriously bummed out that I forgot to bust out the Polaroids while there. *doh!*

Photos are by Teresa Newman


Pw: life


Tree Of Life

Photo collection by Annalee Belle



Love this set!! Absolutely beautiful pictures :)


Think this 7s my favourite set you have done so far. There is just something etherical about it it. This true is so big you could be a fairy underneath it. Think it just made my bucket list of place to see in the world.