Goooood Morning! (Patreon)
I'm up early today getting ready to head to Galveston to start filming for season 5 of Brother Vs Brother. I am thrilled to again be part of this process with the Scott Brothers. Not many things make me happier than getting to do the job I love or be with my family/people I love, and I'm fortunate enough that I get to do both for the next few months.
This trip is just for a couple of days to get the first bit of filming in, so I'll be back in Vegas to start shipping out rewards early next week. I'll film a little vlog action in the next few days to let you all know more in detail what is coming up in the near future.
This photo hasn't been posted anywhere else yet, so I thought I'd share it here first. It's by my favorites, Radiant Inc.
I hope you all have a truly wonderful day. Like, really, really wonderful.