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This took FOR-E-VER. Say it Sandlot style. 

Finally it's up!

Lemme know your thoughts! I'll make it public once I get feedback. :)


Favorites! The Best in Beauty and Fashion

My beauty and fashion favorites from November through January! Royal and Langnicke, Real Techniques, Dermalogica, Too Faced, Lug, Dolls Kill, It Cosmetics, and more! 1. Dolls Kill Shoes: http://www.dollskill.com/sugarbaby-hard-rock-heels.html 2. Doughnut Necklace: https://www.etsy.com/shop/FatallyFeminine?ref=pr_shop_more 3/4. Real Techniques sponges and brushes: https://realtechniques.com 5.. Vegas Nay lashes: http://www.ulta.com/vegas-nay-grand-glamour-lashes?productId=xlsImpprod12691015&sku=2288849&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=pla-195001282110&CAAGID=17983627470&CAWELAID=330000200000328961&catargetid=330000200000763609&cadevice=c&gclid=Cj0KEQiAw_DEBRChnYiQ_562gsEBEiQA4Lcssqeql92OHz5wKBbuHkvdvjmh5RyRr6-bF1pn4nTBPJUaAmd08P8HAQ 6. It Cosmetics Lip Balm: https://www.itcosmetics.com/je-ne-sais-quoi-hydrating-color-awakening-lip-treatment 7.


John Doherty

always great to get endorsements by someone who has used the product Since donuts come in dozen maybe you can so it with a "Dozen Delights from Annalee Belle" or something like that


great video!!! I cannot wait to see what you have to say about Sephora makeup too. I love getting these tips from you :) Thanks so much for sharing it all with us :)