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Idk how the heck I have not posted this! I was just clearing out my downloads folder and found this gem. Gah. I love it and never shared it anywhere. Lol. Naturally you all get to see it first. :) 

I shot this set last year with Daveed Benito, whose work I have long admired. I actually tried to shoot with him in Phoenix before this, but it didn't work out. My friend Moorea Wolf had a shoot set up with him during a Vegas trip he had and invited me to come. Thank goodness she did because this turned out beautifully. 

I actually have a long story with this mask. I used to have a non-glittery one that I performed with when I was featuring and would use it for my bondage-y set to a mix of In This Moment songs. Of course, "Whore" was the song I would come out to. I know this music isn't everyone's jam, and usually it's not mine either, but man...Maria Brink (lead singer) gets me going! (A lot of their music is what I like to work out to if you're looking for anything to get your blood pumping. ) Anywho, I got very attached to that set and those songs, so when I saw a glittlery version, I was like I NEED IT. I planned to use it with some glitter fetish heels at two different shoots, but it never worked out to use it. I actually have the shoes on in this set, but you can't see them. Waaaaahhhhh! So that's my story for the mask. A lot of the styling at my shoots just happen, but this was one of the few planned looks. :) 

I'm in a pretty rad mood and enjoying having the apartment to myself. I was going to shoot some Patreon content today, but the sun is setting, so I'll double up tomorrow! I'll also do a vlog for you all tomorrow while I'm made up. I'm slumming it pretty hard aesthetically right now. haha. 

BTW, this month is going to be like, maybe the best month yet for Patreon content! I am home April 13-23 and I have sooooo much planned! I will be doing 3-5 shoots (minimum) where I'll be modeling, plus I'll be doing makeup/hair/styling for a few shoots AND getting BTS footage of the other models. It's gonna be so good! 

Okay, okay...I'm off to do some more accounting work meow. Bleh! ;) 




I was in accounting for 16 years before I went back to school to become an RN!


Love hearing how your shoots came about. Thanks for sharing, I love that mask too! I'm such a nerd! Well maybe not! Haha and this is what happens when I can sleep and my head is busy with a photo shoot I'm doing...