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I finally found the solution to some of our problems!

Oh, and happy belated Thanksgiving. :) I tried to avoid being online too much yesterday, so I didn't end up getting on here to tell you all how grateful I am for you. As you know, Patreon is my first love, and still remains my favorite platform because I'm a sentimental son-of-a-gun, even if they are ridiculous about nudity at times. *silently weeps*

I've added a digital download option for my calendar, where you can get the photos only without the physical copy! I also have a discount code for you that is good through Tuesday morning:

"CALENDAR" used at the link above will give you 20% off digital and physical calendars. :D

Life somehow remains busy despite my desire for a slow pace, but I'm hopeful for December to be slower and allow me to catch up and recenter for the new year. 

Also.. I will get some lives scheduled! :D





Browse all products in the Calendars category from Annalee Belle .


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