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That friendship group that always has your back <3



Double J

Micah really is the best friend we all want


You will have an even better HUSBAND, Evan.


He really does have amazing friends🥹Evan is loved forsure💕

Kathleen Swarts

💙💙💙 they truly are the best friends to have. glad evan is ok and all is good now. 💙💙💙

Dove Rose

Aww this is so sweet🥹


🥺🥰 Aww great friends


Poor Micah…he’s trying to be so nice and get them space to move their relationship forward and Marcus and Evan are just all kinds of lost about it. “No…you shouldn’t go back to Evan’s place where Trent just assaulted him before you two…reconnect…” 😂


Michah is pratically handing Evan a Lay 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Fujoshi Senpai

You know you have a good friend when they help you hook up with yo man 😎

Cj Taylor

Awe bby

Eva Y

I love the both of them, really I do.... BUT YOU BOTH ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!!!! Why would you want to go back to that place?!?!?!?! Please take some time to unwind and be together, and ACTUALLY TALK FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!!!