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Hey guys! I'm finally back home from my trip and ready to start working again, since there was no update last week that means I owe you double the update, I'll do my best to have it by tomorrow(at least one page, and update the other a few days later if all goes well) and then we'll be back on track on weekly updates <3 I don't have an assistant yet to help me with updates but hopefully once I do no delays will happen like this one again, I'm so sorry for taking so long. 

Thanks to people that were able to visit me at Doki Doki City in CDMX, I'm very happy many of you enjoy my comic enough to want to meet me and I hope you continue to enjoy future updates as well! 

I'll also be finishing up NSFW Art for 15+ patrons and 10+ patron artworks in due time and plan the Christmas artwork special in advance!

Also, printed CH2 is in the works, minor editing is needed but overall it'll be ready as soon as possible, I'll be announcing with time in case anyone would like to get it for 15+ reward of that chosen month!

Sorry for the wall of updates, but I'm just so excited to come back to work and draw for hours;; 


C Cruz

Hope you're alright... haven't heard from you in a while.