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Marcus is using the strategy of "I'll get through him with food" and it's working lol

I'll just say please expect some feels from this scene!! and... more 8) <3 






A smart man, win him with food

Faith Simmons

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! You spoil us!


swear these always make my day also I really love evan’s hair like this it’s so cute 😭❤️


They haven’t seen each other in weeks. 😭


gah The Feels...bring it. also. i love how evan is all excuses for his (super-cute) appearance and marcus is all let’s cook a (sexy) lunch...with evan as the yummy appetizer. i mean. evan’s (flawless) neck demands more marcus nibbles, amirite?

MarshM3llo 9896

Food the key to a man's heart (or anyone's heart for that matter)


Why haven't they seen each other in weeks?! Why was he a mess?! ARRGH! but yay update 😊

Jessi Anne

Good food and pillow forts... hell, add scary movies and it's a win for me!

Mariah Arkins

Weeks!!!!! But things were going so well


Something's going to happen in that pillow fort... 👀👀


“Never too late for food” — hmm I wonder what delaying tactic or activity Marcus is thinking of now...


Whhhhhhyyy haven’t they seen each other in weeks? I thought they were a thing 😭💔


Awww why havent they seen each in weeks


Is he going to leave another mark before he leaves 🤞

Taylor Lacy

Has Evan been a mess because he hasn't seen Marcus in week?

Miss Moonlight

I bet Marcus wants to eat something other than food 👀

Gracie Bou

Why has it been weeks since they’ve hung out???

Gregory Nicholas

Evan was adorable before with his undercut, both styled and messy, but his hair now is like... OMG thats freaking CUTE


I’m so excited for the feels!


I’m going to assume just because both are busy and sometimes the very start of things are kind of like that? That’s sort of how mine and my husbands first few dates were. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Adorbs, but why haven't they seen each other in weeks?! I would think they would be freak'n out...

Jesslyn Harris

AND he brings food to cook for him. SHIP material right there.