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Scene ended! next one is much more fun i promise you, i tend to add double pages where i feel i need it;; hopefully ya'll enjoy this more plot driven scene! ps. still in pain




Hope your painkillers kick in soon. It’s not nice being in pain all the time 🖤

Laura Reece

Such a good friend.


Thanks for the pages. I appreciate them, especially knowing you are not well

Bunmi Knox

Hope you feel better soon, loving the plot

Jessi Anne

I hope the pain killers help!!! I've never had braces but good luck with them!


feel better soon! there's some comments and tips in the other post about helping you with the discomfort of braces. I've had braces twice so I feel your pain.

Bi Skull Fairy

Thanks for this. Feel better


Omg.. I wonder what it is?! But get better thank you for the double page..

Rebecca Fagan

I did, always enjoy your work, feel better soon!


Hope you feel better soon! I definitely enjoyed the chapters :D Really liking the plot ✨


Late to the party, but hope you feel better!! :'D Loving every moment of character development happening for these good boys, keep up the great work <3