Weekly Update - .510b BUGFIX - Preg Convos Done - 7/3/24 (Patreon)
This update features the first part of Rio's mom's introduction (and her dad too). It covers a purple light with her and Sofia, but there's some bigger interactions planned as well (all of the clips for the upcoming parts can be found in the folder). After this is finished, I still need to do a handful of pregnancy conversations before the official public release is ready to be sent out.
EDIT (.490b): There were a couple of nasty bugs that affected links and how the text was displayed in some passages. They should all be fixed now.
EDIT (.491a): This release finishes the solo bimbofication route for Rio's dad. You can choose whether to keep his mind or not as normal, and although it doesn't specify in the scene itself, this is a permanent transformation for him. You'll be able to combine this with the pink light that still needs to get finished once that's done, but that's not out yet.
EDIT (.492a): This release finishes all of the remaining routes for Rio and her family, including a potential bad outcome for Rio that forces her away from campus. I tried to find all of the evening events that then reference her, but she might still pop every now and then in a scene she should be gone from (at which point, let me know and I'll edit them out over time). In addition, I went back and added an option to recruit Sister Lisa to the queen's army if you're working for the queen, so you'll need to revisit an older save if you want to do that.
EDIT (.493a): This release covers pregnancy talks for Nadir, Ward, Kylie, and Val. There are still a couple for Sydney and Barberry to take care of, before the public release is officially ready. The conversations are designed to be staggered out after each event in the evening, but if you've already got a save at the end of the night, they'll all fire one after the other there instead.
EDIT (.510a): Assuming there aren't any bugs, this release will be the actual official public release. It covers the remaining pregnancy conversations for this batch with Sydney and Professor Barberry and leads into the night event that will cap off Wednesday when it's finished in the next public release after this. For now, though, the next update will be switching back to Power of Will and focusing on that for a month or two. If you haven't checked out the discord minigame either, I suggest you do that as well as it has started getting pretty spicy.
EDIT (.510b): Bugfix to address an issue that could accidentally warp the player to Wednesday night all the way from Saturday.
.510b Update Only (Make sure you have at least .480a FIRST!)
.510b All Files Pack (Grab this if you need a fresh install)