Weekly Update - .025a - Public Release + Polls - 11/2/23 (Patreon)
This is a non-lewd update that introduces a new crime boss to Power of Will. Some of her planned lewds are in the images folder right now, but I didn't finish them in time and wanted to get something out there since I know people have been waiting patiently. Now that her intro is up, though, it'll be a lot easier to expand it with the rest of the stuff I'm planning. EDIT (.011b): Minor bug that was preventing the event from properly firing should be addressed now, sorry!
EDIT (.012a): This release takes care of the Crime Boss's main seduction route (requires Appearance 4 or higher and Cruelty options enabled). There's one more main branch of content that'll be available for her before I move on to the next character sequence, so I'll probably end up doing another release over the weekend for the time spent on her. Thanks for being patient.
EDIT (.013a): The rest of the crime boss's stuff is now finished, although I should warn that her underground fight club only has a handful of different clips right now. I plan on adding more clips for extra variation in the future, but in terms of written content, everything is done for us to move on to other scenes (the secretary is coming up next).
EDIT (.013b): The secretary's going to take a little longer to come out, but in the meantime I updated the crime boss's content for if you use the debug menu to make her pregnant and added some variations to the underground fight club and to her repeatable seduction scene.
EDIT (.014a): This update features the introduction of the younger brother character and allows you to spend some more time with the secretary. I didn't finish her last route yet that allows you to get closer romantically, but her regular small conversation route and her body swap route are now complete. The remainder of the secretary's stuff should be out tomorrow with the political rival's genderbending journey either also starting or being worked on over the weekend.
EDIT (.014c): This update finishes the remaining secretary interactions. Some of the decisions here won't have a pay off until later in the day/the following day, so just keep that in mind when going through it. Up next will be the political rival's journey and then next week will be the last week of PoW before I switch back to College Daze development.
EDIT (.015a): This update features the first part of the rival's transformation sequence, if you sent him to jail previously. If you put him under house arrest instead, then you'll have to wait for the next update to tackle that. In addition, this update ends after the sex sequence, but there's still going to be some more reactions from key characters after the fact, so that's why it doesn't take you back to the hub when you're finished. Thanks for being patient, this one was a little complex to write because there are multiple factors it takes into account (check hovertips in-game for details).
EDIT (.016a): This update finishes most of the remaining Rival stuff. I still have to finish the start if you put him under house arrest, but that'll just connect back to everything else anyway. There isn't any repeatable content for the rival if you make 'her' your property, but that'll likely get introduced in the future when I have more time to expand on pow content without focusing on a specific scene.
EDIT (.017a): This update finishes the remaining stuff associated with the political rival under house arrest and introduces a new intern character with a few slow burn choices (these will be built on with future events). There's one more character I need to introduce tomorrow, and her clips are already in the folder (she is much less of a slow burn than the intern ;)). After that, I'll be moving back to College Daze where we'll be doing more stuff with Fuller's wife next. (EDIT: 017b) Bugfix is out to address some image placement issues and a coding error to meet the intern.
EDIT (.017c): This update introduces a new orphan character, though you need to speak to your wife during her solo event first to make this option appear. It only covers the male path for right now, but I'll fill out the others in the future. For now, I'm going to move away from Power of Will back to College Daze for the next couple of weeks until its public release is finished.
.025a just collects all of the recent updates into one package.
You can find the poll results for October beneath the installation instructions!
.025a UPDATE ONLY (Download this if you have .010a or higher already!)
Step 1) If you need a clean install, download the .010a ALL FILES pack from this post.
Step 2) Unzip the all files pack to create your Power of Will folder. From now on, you'll extract future updates and place them in this same folder, overwriting the previous content to update it.
Step 3) If necessary, download an update only pack like the one in this post.
Step 4) Unzip the update only pack and copy the contents of it.
Step 5) Paste these contents in your original 'all files' folder. Your computer will ask if you want to overwrite the existing HTML file. Click yes.
Step 6) If you did everything right, you should have an HTML file that you click to run the game and a fan-made Images folder that has folders from '010' to '025'. If you find an 'Images' folder inside your 'Images' folder, that means you pasted it incorrectly and need to re-copy and paste stuff.
Step 7) When you run the game, the images and text should display as normal. If they don't, send me a message and we can try to figure this out further.
"Deceased Guard's Daughter's Birthday Party" w/ 'Deceased Guard's Daughter' ("Alice) 105
"New Law: Wedding Night Priority - dibs on the bride" w/ MC and future country marriages 95
"An Indecent Proposal" w/ Nympho or Cruel Wife + Political Rival's Mom 82
"Experiments in Subliminal Messaging" w/ Chief Scientist and Journalist 80
"Quiet Relaxation (Nice)" w/ Chief of Staff + Wife (Optional) 33
"Forbidden Love (Nice)" w/ Political Rival's Wife 69
"New Law: Slavery for non-traitors" w/ Government Administration 58
"Confronting the New Maid" w/ Palace Maid (not introduced yet) 46
"Gender Experiments" w/ Head Bodyguard 63
"Corrupt Bible Study" w/ Religious or Academic Wife 62
"Feminist Protest Introduction" w/ Feminist Professor + Student 61
"Kinky Martial Arts Training" w/ Rookie Female Security Guard (Default 'Rachel') 60
"New Law: Legalization of Landladies in country" 55
"A Private Interview" w/ Journalist (with effects for country based on responses) 53
"Rehabilitation" w/ Political Rival's Mom 53
"A Bad Influence" w/ Deceased Guard's Daughter's Best Friend 40
"Meeting the Palmarch" w/ Head of Country's Religion 40
"Getting to Know Your Enemy" w/ Federation Ambassador's Secretary 39
"Time with the Criminal Underground" w/ Head of Crime Family + Rival (if alive) 35
"Escalating Threats (Mean)" w/ Chief of Staff 33
"Forced VR Journey" w/ Federation Ambassador + his family 33
"New Law: Legalized Political Corruption" 33
"Meeting the Ambassador's Family (Federation)" w/ Federation Ambassador 31
"Meeting the Ambassador's Family (Bloc)" w/ Bloc Ambassador 30
"New Law: Press Rights Revoked" w/ Journalist 26