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This update expands on the business celebration with Emma (if in a harem) and Karen (if you previously inherited her business too). The final sequence still needs to finish Mr. Maywood (if he was turned into Mrs.), so if you download this expect some red links. Or, if you didn't transform Mr. Maywood, you can go through most of it except I plan on adding a blue light in the future to finish with all three women. It's taking a while because of so many different characters that could or could not be here, but it's almost finished.

Also, there might be an issue with old saves and whether it properly kept track of you inheriting Karen's business. If you think the game forgot it, feel free to edit $karen_business and set it to true.

To recap, there's one more event that I'm going to finish for College Daze (a scene for Karen, Tammy, and Erica), before moving back to Power of Will for a few weeks.

EDIT (.454b): All of the Christy/Karen/Emma/Roberta stuff is now finished. There's one more event to do (Karen + Tammy + Erica) and then I'll move on to Power of Will next week. (EDIT .454b++): Addressed an issue on one of the routes that was blocking the office stuff from appearing.

EDIT (.455a): This update features the entire Karen/Erica/Tammy scene that is available starting on Tuesday of the final week. It replaces Karen's other repeatable visit until you've done this, but you can't return to it afterwards so be careful if your stats are low. If Tammy and Erica are already genderbent, it'll be pretty straightforward, but if either one isn't, then you'll have to transform them before the entire scene will play out.

EDIT (.455b): Bugfix out to address Karen's visit options no longer appearing. She must be a lover OR have an upgraded contract for this content to appear. (EDIT: .455c): Another bugfix to address some errors with the wrong variables getting set/wrong images appearing under certain circumstances.

.455a UPDATE ONLY (Download this if you have .450a or higher already!)

.455c BUGFIX ONLY (Download .455a FIRST!)

Step 1) If you need a clean install, download the .390a ALL FILES pack from this post.

Step 1b) Next, download .420a UPDATE ONLY from this post.

Step 1c) Then download .450a UPDATE ONLY from here.

Step 2) Unzip the all files pack to create your College Daze folder. From now on, you'll extract future updates and place them in this same folder, overwriting the previous content to update it.

Step 3) If necessary, download an update only pack like the one in this post.

Step 4) Unzip the update only pack and copy the contents of it.   

Step 5) Paste these contents in your original 'all files' folder. Your computer will ask if you want to overwrite the existing HTML file. Click yes.    

Step 6) If you did everything right, you should have an HTML file that you click to run the game and a fan-made Images folder that has folders from 'aug02' to '205'. If you find an 'Images' folder inside your 'Images' folder, that means you pasted it incorrectly and need to re-copy and paste stuff.     

Step 7) When you run the game, the images and text should display as normal. If they don't, send me a message and we can try to figure this out further.



Is there a path for Mr Maywood and Brittany to get together yet?


Support for that kind of content is based on the scene requests that patrons pay for. Someone recently added a bit for them at the wedding, but beyond that there hasn't been additional support.

Ray Prendergast

When are Rio's parents showing up?


Is it just the cuddling bit where Brit tends to snuggle Mr Maywood or do they actually bang? I found a preg status involving the father.


The dev map at the top of this page shows when all content is planned to be release at specific game days.


They can have sex with or without the player's involvement there.


May I ask how to get those two together? Multiple runs and they just sit next to each other and giggle.


If you're looking for help with specific scenes, I recommend joining the discord and asking for help there.

Christopher Williams

i can see the business take over but cant clink it

Yeah Right

Next year if we keep this current pace. Really wish we didn't split updates between PoW and College Daze


Too many named characters. Which one is Emma?


I'm not sure how you can see it but not click it. Are you sure the version is correctly listed in the sidebar on the left? If it doesn't say .454b+ then you didn't install it correctly. If you did and it's still giving you issues, you can share your save file on the discord and I can take a look.

Kevin Daley

Need to keep g28 sane. This game has become one hell of a beast by the end. So meny variables. POW thou just started thus its variables are minimal if not nothing at all. Hell in pow hes technicaly just working on the system still so he hasn’t even really started yet. Much easeir game to do thus a nice break for his mind while still working on something fresh.


The images don't work when I update it, where am I doing wrong?


You need to follow the instructions and make sure that the images folder you download from a new update does not get accidentally put inside an old images folder. Images can't appear if you don't install them correctly.


Being said you have done great work on the game but don’t like the fact that it is closed ended based on a certain amount of in game days to play. If the end is going to be the same where you have to finish it in so many days or start over, wouldn’t be any fun. If it was more open as other games out there would be more interested in contributing more money in it and marketing it to others, but as is now would be a waste of money.


I would appreciate it if you continued working on this game more. I want to see where it goes.