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I'm currently dealing with health issues and am on Hiatus. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday ♥




One: Your health is the most important thing any close person/family, or dedicated fan of your’s, cares about. Two: I genuinely hope it isn’t any big bad, like cancer, and that you are able to diagnose and treat whatever is causing the spasms. Three: Take as much time as you need. Medical issues can be scary, and trying to rush them may only agitate and inflame the issue. I wish and pray for all the best for you, I hope that the sun will once again shine gracefully on us all, and I look forward you your recovery! ❤️‍🩹 🫡


Please focus on your health!! That comes first before any kind of work by far. We’ll all be praying for your safety over here! ♥️🙏


Take care of yourself. Focus on getting better and keep positive.