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Hello patrons! First off, just wanted to express my gratitude for the positive reception to the opening pages to The Common Grounds! Any time I try and push my work into a new direction it feels a bit like a risk, but y'all have helped me comfortable in my risk paying off. ♥

As the comic moves forward, we'll be changing settings again; From the main area of Clay's bar The Velvet Pony, into it's illustrious bathroom stalls! I haven't been subtle about the influence of Seattle's own queer bar Pony on the design of Clay's bar, and I want to make sure I get the bathroom stalls feeling true to life, which means... bathroom graffiti!!

In past bathroom stall scenes, getting the graffiti to feel authentically dense and stylistically diverse is BEYOND tough, and the prospect of doing so for 6-8 bathroom stall walls all by myself is intimidating... but it could be easier with some help from my patrons! If you have a tag, a little doodle, a small witticism, or even a Telegram sticker to throw into the mix, I'll put it into the walls of my comic's bathroom stalls!

Some guidelines, of course! I'd prefer to keep things lighthearted, non-referential (lest I get sued by Disney or something), and simple. Think like you're scribbling with a Sharpie or slapping a sticker onto the wall of a bathroom stall, not painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. If a submission doesn't feel like it'd be appropriate to include, I'll simply omit it. I'll start work on assembling the walls on 8/27, so anything submitted before then should make it into the comic. Anything submitted after may be used on lesser-seen surfaces that may pop up later on, like the inside of the stall door, etc.

Thank you all for your help!! ♥♥


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i have IRL literally pasted my own stickers in these bathrooms plus in a patio, i can send you the files for them if you don't mind; they were pasted right above the toilets. that was done an year ago and i haven't returned there yet so i don't know if they're still there.


submitted one, the "pissing all by yourself, handsome?" one, you'll see it. I remember that I placed it in the leftward stall and in the other, big bathroom; both above the toilet on the wall. lol.


I got a few and I can make a fish


I would love to submit one of my lil diamond eyes, I draw them on p much everything, including my pfp, usually with the eyes looking at something I find funny or cute ::p

Grae Inocencio

Big tits can't make up for a small ass, but a big ass can make up for small tits" - Abraham Lincoln


Submitted my silly lil kitty tag!♡


there's also other in the patio that is die cut of this https://e621.net/posts/4341763 , but might be already removed lol

Trevor Wolf

Oh heck yeah!!! Though question Willow, how many submissions can someone make? Obviously can't go overboard but sometimes you just gotta throw shit at the wall and see what sticks ya know ;) If it's mentioned above, my reading comp is subpar today lmao


shared my lil stickers! i haven't been to Pony but when i visited Seattle i did put up some of them at Cap Hill and Slightly Furry x3 i gotta make my way there next time im in the area!


I submitted a couple goofs! I did them as transparent pngs, is there another format you'd prefer?

Luné Mercové

shared my silly joke graffiti hope u like it


I really like Rimjob with the i ❌-out and an a written over it. Is that a level of witty that would work?

Kader Wolfen

Oh cool! I’ll submit something tonight! 🤩

Victoria D

One of the Coolest things I ever saw was the entire bathroom done up in an upstairs dungeon I used to attend above a sex shop in Ft Lauderale years ago and there was a single phrase scrawled above the mirror in the middle of all the graffiti that read "Who Taught The Savages Poetry?" and I think about it a lot



Aries Barometz

Thanks for the opportunity, this was really fun!


This is so *SO* fucking cool, thank you so much for the chance! Excited to see what the walls look like when all’s said and done!~


Fun idea! Might as well submit some Tele stickers of my own.


yippie, submitted :3 really excited to see how these pages come out + where this story goes


Submitted last minute early in the morning because i almost forgot! This is such a lovely idea! Really looking forward to seeing what art pops up in the stalls coming up in the comic.