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Hello patrons!! With the comic chugging along smoothly and the holidays on the horizon, it seemed like a prudent time to issue a little scheduling update so we're all on the same page, starting with next week! With Thanksgiving on Thursday and my birthday the following Saturday, I've decided to take all of next week off from drawing as a little birthday treat to myself. However, I still might find myself doing some behind-the-scenes work here and there, particularly when my big batch order of Chloe dakis arrives in the mail! Getting the pre-orders packed up and sent out before the end of the month was my original goal, and I'm hoping to see that through. And don't worry, packing up Etsy orders is one of my favorite little work tasks, aside from drawing of course! ;)

Afterward, as we enter December, I'll try my hardest to get 3-4 pages done before Christmas hits. I'm not exactly sure what my time off will look like since Christmas and New Years aren't neatly nestled into the weekend, but rest assured I'll find that good good balance between resting and making sure y'all are getting what you're paying for here!

Last on the docket is Further Confusion, happening this year in San Jose CA from January 16th to January 20th! I'm once again honored to have been given a dealers den table, as well as some space in the art show, where I'll be selling a mix of prints and originals. I haven't heard anything about panels or DJ sets just yet, but I'll definitely keep y'all in the loop if anything pops up! :3

After that, it's basically smooth sailing into 2025, save for a little personal trip planned toward the end of February. It's a bit of a lofty goal, but seeing as how I've been able to knock out almost 20 pages since starting The Common Grounds back in June, I almost wonder if finishing it before the end of 2025 would be possible... we'll have to wait and see! :)

As always!!! Thanks again for your support, for helping me in making these comics, and for granting me the space to rest when my body and soul get tired ♥♥♥




Looking forward to seeing your great stuff at FC! Have a wonderful break.


Wooooo happy birthday!!!


Excited to see whats coming! Hope your birthday is wonderful and your rest is peaceful!!


I’m looking forward to seeing you at FC! Will you have any Chloes for sale there? I missed the preorder because of my pay schedule. 😭